Monitoring and Coaching via a Smartphone App for Women with Gestational Diabetes
The Habits GDM app designed to monitor and coach women with gestational diabetes. The goal was to help them attain better control of blood sugar, and have gestational weight gain within a recommended range, with fewer pharmacological interventions.
Supporting Online Risk Intervention Programs
A heart age risk communication tool for cardiovascular disease is a method to convey a person’s risk of developing heart-related issues. Instead of presenting the risk in percentages or technical terms, it communicates the age of a person’s heart based on their cardiovascular risk factors. If someone’s heart age is…
Exploring Innovative Designs of Game Interactions to Improve Client Motivation
This Telehealth Core project takes a design-thinking approach to the perennial problem of motivation in rehabilitation. With a creative re-imagination of a standard stroke rehabilitation tool, the research led to enhanced participation, and longer-term engagement with therapeutically beneficial exercise.
Sensor-based TeleRehab for Stroke Patients
Participation in rehabilitation is one of the greatest determinants of stroke recovery. This Telehealth Core app supports patients in conducting their exercises, while enabling therapists to monitor their progress. Learn more about this project here. Koh GC, Yen SC, Tay A, Cheong A, Ng YS, De Silva DA, et al….
Home Assessment Application
The Telehealth Core home assessment app is a research project to solve a problem of remote access. Today, occupational therapists need to conduct more home assessments for patients pre-discharge. The goal is to save travel time, while connecting caregiver and care staff as they work to smoothen the return home…
Prof Emeritus Ron Baecker’s Talk
Telehealth Core co-hosted Prof Emeritus Ron Baecker, a respected researcher in the field of technologies for seniors at NUS. He gave two talks, one on “What Society Should Require of AI” and another on “Designing Technology to Keep Seniors Connected”. Notes for the second talk are available for download. [downloadable…
Co-authored study on hands free text editing accepted at CHI 2020
Pin Sym also co-authored a study on a novel interactive artifact – EYEditor, that opens up options for on-the-go text editing. Together with collaborators from the NUS-HCI Lab we explored differently levels of text editing and path complexity to understand the tradeoffs in such a complex interaction.
Study reporting on family caregiver evaluation of HomeAx accepted at CHI 2020
The annual conference of the Association of Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group – Computer Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI) is the premiere conference for the field of Human Computer Interaction Telehealth Core is proud to announce our paper on family caregivers’ evaluation of our HomeAx project has been accepted for publication…
Scientific and Technological Advancement in Diabetes Management
14th November was World Diabetes Day. To raise awareness of diabetes mellitus, Chang Siang from Telehealth Core contributed to an article in Biotech Connection Singapore to share various developments in the industry and academia that are focused on supporting diabetes patients. The article can be found at here.
Have Patience with “No Patients!”: Tips for Recruiting Users for Health UX
User Experience researchers often have difficulty gaining access to patients. Here are some tips gleaned from our work with Health Care Professionals. Have Patience with “No Patients!”: Tips for Recruiting Users for Health UX One of the rude shocks of a User Experience Researcher first working in healthcare is almost…