Study reporting on family caregiver evaluation of HomeAx accepted at CHI 2020

The annual conference of the Association of Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group – Computer Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI) is the premiere conference for the field of Human Computer Interaction Telehealth Core is proud to announce our paper on family caregivers’ evaluation of our HomeAx project has been accepted for publication at this venue which has a 22-24% acceptance rate.

The paper reports on how family caregivers, in their role as patient proxies, are not just neutral reporters of patient care conditions. Instead, there is evidence that they develop as experts on home care, and they tend to include their own needs when communicating and liaising with health care providers. The work is a collaboration with ShuaiLab at SUTD, as well as occupational therapists from Sengkang Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
