Professional Biorisk Management Course & other specialized courses

Professional Biorisk Management Course Overview
Professional Biorisk Management Course Overview
Course Objective
Research and diagnostic laboratories can become a source of infection in humans and animals when biological agents are mishandled due to accidents or faulty laboratory facilities and equipment. Some infectious disease outbreaks can even have an economic and psychological impact on the community.

Appropriate biosafety and biosecurity programmes (biorisk management system) in the laboratory will reduce or eliminate the risk of potential exposure to biological hazards as well as prevent the loss, theft or misuse of biological agents/materials and sensitive information.

The short courses in this course by the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine’s Biosafety Level 3 Core Facility will provide laboratory personnel with a foundation in biorisk management. The knowledge and skills acquired from these modules will enable you to develop and implement a comprehensive biosafety and biosecurity management programme in biomedical laboratories of various industries (e.g., education, healthcare, pharmaceutical, biomedical sciences & technology).

Who May Apply

  • Biosafety professionals and officers, laboratory managers, biomedical science researchers and others who manage workplace safety in biomedical and clinical laboratories
  • Inspectors, auditors, commissioning agents, certifiers of biomedical laboratories
  • Architects, engineers, and personnel involved in the designing, building and maintenance of biomedical laboratories
  • Anyone who meets the entry requirements and has an interest in the course modules

Consists of 6 advanced-level BRMC301 – 306 Short Courses:

Short Course Title

TGS Number


BRMC 301- Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity Risk Assessment and Risk Management (Advanced Level)


Course: 3.5 days Assessment: 0.5 day

BRMC 302 – Establish, Implement and Maintain Biorisk Management System for Biomedical Laboratories (Advanced Level)


Course: 1.5 days Assessment: 0.5 day

BRMC 303 – Respond to Incidents and Accidents in Biomedical Facilities/Laboratories (Advanced Level)


Course: 2 days  Assessment: 0.5 day

BRMC 304 – Containment Principles in Planning and Design, Construction, Maintenance and Certification of Containment Facilities (Advanced Level)


Course: 2 days  Assessment: 0.5 day

BRMC 305 – Selection, Installation and Safe Use of Biosafety Cabinet, Autoclave and Other Common Laboratory and Safety Equipment (Advanced Level)

TGS- 2024041577

Course: 1 day    Assessment: 0.5 day

BRMC 306 – Good Biosafety and Biosecurity Practices when Working with Experimental Animals (Advanced Level)


Course: 1 day    Assessment: 0.5 day


Entry Requirements

BRMC 301- 306

  • Degree or diploma in biomedical science or equivalent field with one year of laboratory experience, or
  • Attended and passed the short course: BRMC 201- Principles and Practices of Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity

Award of Certificate

Participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion* by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Participants will be presented with a Certificate of Participation** by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine should they complete the short course/s but fail to pass the competency assessment/s.

Upon successful completion of all 6 advanced-level BRMC301-306 short courses, participants will be awarded the Professional Biorisk Management Course Certificate by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, which is recognised by the Ministry of Health as a qualification for the Biosafety Coordinator role in Singapore.

*Participants must fulfil at least 75% attendance and pass all competency assessment components.

**Participants must fulfil at least 75% attendance.

Important Note

Applicants who intend to obtain the final certificate in Professional Biorisk Management Course (PBRMC) (to be qualified for MOH recognised Biosafety Coordinator in Singapore) are highly encouraged to register and attend all the 6 advanced-level BRMC301 – 306 short courses in one sitting.


Other Specialized Courses

BRMC 201 (Intermediate Biorisk Management Course)

Short Course Title

TGS Number


BRMC 201* – Principles and Practices of Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity


Course: 2 days Assessment: 0.5 day

This course (BRMC 201) is designed to provide learners with a basic knowledge in laboratory biosafety and biosecurity principles, work practices, and enables them to gain a better overall understanding of biorisk management.

The BRMC 201 course will cover national and international biosafety regulations, provide necessary information and compliance requirement in workplaces (research and diagnostic laboratories). This will help the learners to recognize hazards/threats and reduce risks (biorisk assessment and mitigation) in BSL-1/BSL-2 laboratories by applying good laboratory biorisk practices and containment principles. This course will also provide learners an overview of the laboratory biorisk management (BRM) system and emergency response programme.

Who may apply

Biosafety professionals, laboratory managers, biomedical science researchers and other professionals who manage workplace safety in biomedical and clinical laboratories.

Entry Requirements

  • Degree or diploma in Science / Engineering (or equivalent field), or
  • 2 years of working experience in biomedical laboratories

BRMC 307 (Specialized Course for working in BSL-3)

Short Course Title TGS Number Duration

BRMC 307 Working safely in Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories

TGS-2024044682 Course: 3 days Assessment: 0.5 day



This course is designed to equip learners with in-depth skills for working safely in a Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories in Singapore. This course will introduce the learners to BSL-3 containment features and provide effective knowledge transfer in topics closely related to various mitigation measures (Engineering, Administrative, Operational Controls, Personal Protective Equipment for BSL-3), Incident Management, Performance Monitoring and Documentation in BSL-3 laboratories.

Who Should Attend

Biosafety Professional/Lab Manager/Biomedical Science Researchers and others who manage Workplace Safety in biomedical and clinical BSL-3 laboratories.

Pre Requisites

Degree or Diploma in Biomedical Science or equivalent field with one year of laboratory experience


General Information for the Courses

Mode of Training

Classroom sessions are with interactive methods (quizzes, group discussion, case studies, role playing, etc.) and hands-on training.

Award of Certificate

Participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion* by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Participants will be presented with a Certificate of Participation** by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine should they complete the short course/s but fail to pass the competency assessment/s.

*Participants must fulfil at least 75% attendance and pass all competency assessment components.

**Participants must fulfil at least 75% attendance.


Please visit NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Continuing Education and Training Course Directory site for registration.

Please email if you would like to check for next available course run. 

We welcome participants from regional and international with relevant course entry requirement to apply for the courses as well. Do drop us an email to find out more.


Webpage updated on 16 Sep 2024
