Build an Alert System for Monitoring AWS ECS Task Termination
Published by Sajeban Antonyrex (Senior Software Engineer of Telehealth Core) This article dives into how to create an effective alert system for monitoring AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) task terminations. Whether you’re managing critical applications or ensuring the smooth operation of your services, it’s important to stay informed about the…
Celebrating Telehealth Core’s 5th Year Anniversary
As we commemorate the 5th anniversary of our team’s formation, we celebrate not only the milestones we’ve achieved but also the shared identity and sense of community we’ve fostered. The occasion was further brightened by the presence of past team members, rekindling old ties. This anniversary is a testament to…
Supporting Mobile App Development for Telehealth in the Field of Childhood Oral Care
Early childhood caries (ECC) presents a significant challenge in both clinical and public health domains, particularly in Singapore. Despite sustained efforts over decades, the prevalence rates in the country remain among the highest in developed nations. In response to this challenge, the Telehealth Core has collaborated with researchers from NUS…
T2D: Type-2 Diabetes Risk Prediction Tool
A Type-2 Diabetes Risk Prediction Tool uses algorithms to calculate an individual’s likelihood of developing Type-2 diabetes. It factors in medical history, lifestyle, genetic markers, and metabolic parameters to calculate metabolic age. By identifying at-risk individuals early, it enables timely interventions to potentially prevent or delay the disease’s onset. Try…
Telehealth Core’s Proposal for PEACE awarded $3.2m grant from the NIC Grant Call on Caregiving Ecosystems (CareEco)
We are opening a new door in our research journey! We are honored to announce that our proposal for PEACE (Preparing for End-of-Life with Advance Care Education) has been funded. The goal is to develop digitally-mediated, scalable ways of delivering better tools for supporting caregivers. Our target user is that…
Does Mode of Digital Contact Tracing Affect User Willingness to Share Information? A Quantitative Study published at CHI 2022
Digital contact tracing can limit the spread of infectious diseases. Nevertheless, barriers remain to attain sufficient adoption. In this study, we investigate how willingness to participate in contact tracing is affected by two critical factors: the modes of data collection and the type of data collected. We conducted a scenario-based…
Paper on Video consultations in primary and specialist care published at the BMJ
Video consultations in healthcare present an approximation of face-to-face interaction and are a “visual upgrade” of widely used telephone consultations. Evidence for the effectiveness of video consultations is scarce, but points towards effectiveness, safety, and high satisfaction in patients and healthcare providers. Be prepared to switch from a video to…
HOPE: Healthy Living with Online Support & Education
We have supported the technical and design of HOPE, a 6-month program that will help participants begin and maintain heart healthy lifestyle change by connecting participants to you’re their priorities for living well . Our role has been to support the design of tools for intrinsic motivation, such as discerning personal goals, reflecting on personal reasons for change, and exploring hopes and fears about change.  
Paper on Designing for Family Caregiver Input in Home Care Systems published at CHI 2020
Previous work has looked closely at the challenges of using patient-generated data to enable remote assessment and monitoring by healthcare professionals. In this paper, we examine family caregivers who act as proxies for patients who may not have the capacity of capturing the necessary data. We worked with occupational therapists to develop…
Paper on Contemplative Interactions in Serious Games Published at DIS 2021
Abstract: Counsellors use Motivational interviewing (MI) to boost intrinsic motivation for healthier lifestyles by supporting 1) the identification of personal values and 2) the linking of these values to personal reasons for change. Research is needed to increase the reach of such interventions through the use of online tools. Thus, we explored…