Doreen Goh Shu Lin, a medical student at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, has successfully completed her MBBS and Master of Science (Research) under the MBBS Intercalated Year Programme (IYP) at NUS Medicine Division of Graduate Studies. Doreen will be the first graduand from the Class of 2023 graduating with both degrees. She is currently a House Officer at Singapore General Hospital in the Department of Orthopedics.

Doreen’s gap year in the NUS Tissue Engineering Programme allowed her to experiment with reagents and harvest samples, something which she enjoyed doing in the labs of A*STAR and NUS prior to starting medical school. Under the guidance of Emeritus Professor Lee Eng Hin and Senior Research Fellow Dr Yang Zheng, Doreen studied cartilage regeneration and the manipulation of cartilage stem cells to understand cartilage regrowth after injury. Besides research techniques, Doreen also learned valuable skills like grit and tenacity during her time in the lab.

Doreen is optimistic about combining her passion for medicine and research to drive medical science in Singapore and aspires to become a clinician-scientist. She believes that translational research is crucial for shaping the holistic development of future doctors. This stint has encouraged her to think flexibly and laterally in preparation for a career in the realm between medicine and science.

Read more about Doreen’s story here.
