
Local Outreach


Project Silver Screen (Functional Screening Programme)

Maybelline Ong
Ms Maybelline Ong
Then Tze Kang
Mr Then Tze Kang
Gladys Yen Ling Ho
Ms Gladys Yen Ling Ho

The Ophthalmology Department embarked on Project Silver Screen’s Functional Screening Programme in 2018 this year in partnership with the NUHS Regional Health System. This is in conjunction with the Ageing Planning Office and Temasek Foundation Cares as part of a national effort to allow especially vulnerable seniors to age better. The primary aim was to build upon our NUH Eye Ecosystem to ensure appropriate screening services and treatment for preventable and treatable causes of blindness would reach our precious elderly in a timely, affordable and coordinated effort. Currently, the functional screening is divided into 3 levels of care:

L1 (Level 1) – where SATA (HPB) assists in screening eligible seniors for poor vision

L2 (Level 2) – Mobile clinic with further triaging and potential diagnostic capabilities

Each mobile clinic comprises of a dedicated care coordinator with an optometrist who further triages our population with poor vision from the Health Promotion Board in consult telemedically with an Ophthalmologist off-site.

L3 (Level 3) – Tertiary level Ophthalmic Care

We have since had the privilege of working hand-in-hand with Senior Activity Centres and our Lion’s befrienders as well as with the Singapore Vision Programme from the Singapore Women’s Association. The NUHS Ophthalmology department is honoured to continually serve our community in a compassionate and wholistic manner.


EC2 Programme - Enabling Care, Enabling Community Programme (2015-2018)

Merwyn CHEW
Dr Merwyn CHEW
Danial Bin Bohan
Mr Danial Bin Bohan
Anny Leow
Ms Anny Leow
Wendy Khon
Ms Wendy Khon

Project Silvercare 2017

Project Silvercare 2017

Project Silvercare 2017 at St Luke's Hospital was held in conjunction with the student body of Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Alice School of Nursing and Dentistry at NUS and St Luke's Hospital held on the 27th of August 2017.

This half-day event co-led by Dr Merwyn Chew and Dr Blanche Lim saw the eye screening of a 156 residents living in the West out of a total of about 300-400 participants. Of these residents, a further 50 were referred on for further Ophthalmology care.

This was only made possible through the commendable enthusiasm and teamwork of our Orthoptists, Optometrists, PSAs, PCAs, Nurses, Doctors and Student body (led by Leon and Lynette) who were truly dedicated in placing their best foot forward, coming down early on a precious Sunday (some with family in tow!) to contribute to the community in a meaningful manner. Ms Anny Leow and Ms Wendy Khon from the Singapore Women's Association had also extended their generous kindness to our department with the selfless provision of time, effort and equipment through a great gesture of friendship over the weekend.

We hope to continue making our departmental presence known to the community in this impactful manner!

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Project Silvercare 2016

Project Silvercare 2016 at Ayer Rajah CC was held in conjunction with the student body of Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Alice School of Nursing and Dentistry at NUS, St Luke's Hospital, Singapore Society of Ophthalmology (SSO) as well as Standard Chartered on the 3rd of September, 2016.

This one-day event co-led by Dr Victor Koh and Dr Blanche Lim saw the eye screening of more than 230 residents living in the West out of a total of about 300-400 participants by the exemplary teamwork of our Orthoptists, Optometrists, PSAs, PCAs, Nurses, Doctors and Students.


Community Integrated Health Screening @ Jurong Spring 2017

Community Integrated Health Screening at Jurong Spring 2017
Community Integrated Health Screening at Jurong Spring 2017

The Jurong Spring CC eye screening, led by Dr Merwyn Chew and Dr Blanche Lim was held on the 26th of May in conjunction with Southwest CDC with the aim to provide attendant health screening and care for CHAS card holders. Over a screening time of 2.5 hours, a total of 118 participants were screened, of which 37.5% were CHAS card holders. Further referrals were made following these screens on to care at the tertiary level.

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