
HOD Message


Our mission at Department of Ophthalmology, National University of Singapore (NUS), is to pursue clinical excellence, impactful translational research and holistic education to eradicate blindness.

Working closely with like-minded clinicians at National University Hospital (NUH), we strive to provide individualised, multi-disciplinary and evidence-based management for our patients. At the same time, we hope our patients will benefit from the clinically driven innovations and translational research derived from NUS. The strong emphasis and rich tradition in education are also reflected in our commitment to ensure our undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum remain updated, engaging and inclusive. Our priority in talent development focuses on ensuring an uninterrupted pipeline of expertise across all ophthalmic subspecialties.

I hope that this website will provide you with information which will inspire and encourage you to reach out to us for an opportunity to work together. By blending academia with tertiary clinical care, I am confident that we will be able to synergize the common goals within the Department of Ophthalmology, NUS and NUH to eradicate blindness.

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