The objective of the Department of Medicine Safety Committee is to promote a safe and healthy working environment for staff and students in the department.
The Safety Committee works to develop safety goals for the department. The committee’s dedication focuses on:
The Safety Committee is a key element to attaining continuous improvement in workplace safety and health, and an effective tool for resolving safety and health problems in the workplace. Comprising of appointed staff representatives of the Department of Medicine, the duties of the committee are summarized as follows:
Head of Department
Professor Anantharaman Vathsala
Safety Chairperson
Adjunct Associate Professor Matthew Edward Cove
Safety Advisor
Dr Zhou Lei
Safety Committee Members
Ms Chow Wai Lyn, Adeline
Laboratory Technologist
Responsibility: Safety Coordinator, Biological
Safety, Chemical Safety, Safety Training, Lab
Internal Audits
Ms Tong Koh Jong
Laboratory Technologist
Responsibility: Secretary, Safety Promotional
Activities, Safety Training, Lab Internal Audits
Ms Guo Yaling
Education Laboratory Technologist
Responsibility: Fire Safety and Safety Training