Message from HOD

Welcome Message from Head, Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Since our inception in the King Edward VII College of Medicine at the turn of the 20th century, the Department of Medicine (DoM) has played a pivotal role in supporting the academic and clinical healthcare needs of Singapore. Our mission, “Leading the way in clinical care through excellence in research and education” depicts our ethos in our continual strive to redefine healthcare goals in the constantly changing demographic landscape.

Amalgamated within the National University Health System under the Western Cluster, we provide holistic, integrated, and advanced tertiary care across a wide spectrum of specialties through our 11 Divisions namely the Divisions of Advanced Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Geriatric Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Neurology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine and Rheumatology and Allergy. Under the NUS Department of Medicine structure, it includes the Departments of Cardiology, Family Medicine, Haematology-Oncology and Radiation-Oncology. Our focus on safety, quality, evidence, and value-based medicine provides the backbone for us to evolve patient-centric care from hospital into the community.

Underpinning our clinical enterprise is our rich legacy of research vibrancy. Our research programs in Gastric cancer, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis and Metabolic Disease are just some of the examples where we have built pillars of excellence that are world leading. Leveraging on the state of the art research facilities on campus, our research activities span the full spectrum of research:

  1. basic research to better understand diseases
  2. translational research to explore new treatement targets
  3. clinical trials to find ways of providing better care for our patients.

In education, our commitment to teaching, training, supervision, and mentorship has built a dynamic culture of scholastic instruction and guidance. Our undergraduate workshops, residency programmes, clinical fellowships and academic development programs aim to provide an enhanced learning experience for both our undergraduate and postgraduate students and are highly sought after. As a centre of higher learning, our goal is to unlock and maximise the potential of every individual and groom new talents and leaders for our future.

On behalf of DoM, I welcome you to explore our website and be enthralled by the spectrum and depth of activities. More importantly, I hope we can infect you with some of the excitement as we seek to innovate and push the frontiers of medicine and healthcare. Together, we will make tomorrow’s medicine, happen today.

We look forward to meeting you.

Professor Anantharaman Vathsala
Head of Department
Department of Medicine

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