
The MCI program is completed in two years, with the option to extend for a third year if more time is required to finish the research component.

Each candidate will require 40 Units for graduation. These will be obtained by fulfilling both coursework and research requirements:

  • Coursework (32 Units): Nine coursework courses will be offered as a core requirement for all students. Coursework will be conducted in two blocks, each comprising six weeks’ full-time study, and held bi-annually (in August-September and January-February).

    All students are expected to complete the coursework requirements in the first year as it is foundational for the research component.

  • Research component (8 Units):
    The research component will span a minimum of eight months. The aims of this component are to enable students to apply knowledge, acquire skills to plan a project, and to integrate and sustain research within clinical practice.


Both coursework I and coursework II will require six weeks of full-time study. All classes are carried out during office hours, while some of the continual assessments and examinations are conducted on Saturday mornings. Part-timers will need to take time off (study leave, etc.) from their institutions.
Unless granted approval by the University, no student may concurrently be a student for more than one degree or register as an NUS student and of another university/institute.
Generally, only courses that have not been used towards another degree at NUS or elsewhere may be considered for credit transfer (NUS courses) / exemption (Non-NUS courses). Such courses must be at level-5000 and above, relevant to the degree programme to which the candidate seeks admission, and read less than 10 years before the date of admission. Please refer to the following website for more details:
It is not a requirement for foreign students to be registered under SMC, however they have to be registered under their home country medical council. Singapore students need to be registered under SMC
Yes, students are required to nominate their research supervisors, who should be an established clinical investigator with a track record in doing research.
Applicants may apply to the NMRC Research Training Fellowship for funding for the course fees, subject to eligibility requirements. For more information regarding the NMRC Research Training Fellowship, you may send your query to
Students can choose to do research on any area/topic according to their interest.