NUS Medicine Pathway Programmes

The NUS Medicine Pathway Programmes are selective opportunities running through various Phases of the undergraduate medical course on offer, to broaden your skillsets relevant to clinical practice and healthcare in the 21st century. ​​

Students may choose to attend any of the selective Pathway Summer and/or Winter Programmes, and/or progress towards Pathway Project Work, that culminates to a scholarly paper or presentation by the time of graduation. Each pathway has a different focus to broaden your skillsets in areas of your interest:

Health and Humanity (H&H)

This pathway aims to equip students with knowledge, skills and the heart to serve vulnerably communities, through experiential activities, inspirational workshops and hands-on project work with an emphasis on person-centered approach to compassionate care for communities both locally and globally to inspire health for all.

Health Informatics (HI)

This pathway aims to equip students with core concepts and skills in the fundamentals of informatics and data-science. Students will be engaged in case study discussions and active learning, including hands-on, in-class application and project work. They will be empowered to transform healthcare through data science and computational thinking.


Inquiry and Thinking (I&T)

​​This pathway aims to inspire and motivate medical students to develop a sense of curiosity and inquiry and the ability to dynamically utilise a range of thinking methods, processes and skillsets to tackle questions and problems. The end goal of this pathway is to groom a pipeline of thinking doctors who can advance healthcare in any aspect they desire.​


Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurship

​​This longitudinal pathway spans across Phase I to V and aims to nurture medical students with the 6Cs attributes: Curiosity, Creativity, Compassion, Collegiality, Collaboration, and Commercial Intelligence. ​The programme gradually expose medical students to concepts and principles in innovation, and the selective elements equips students with foundational skills in innovation and entrepreneurship.

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