Undergraduate Programme


Medical Year 4 students posting programme consist of a 6 week non rotation posting either in Kandang Kerbau Women's and Children's Hospital, National University Hospital or Singapore General Hospital. During the posting, students are attached to daily obstetrics and gynaecological wards, general outpatient clinics, specialist outpatient clinics, delivery suite and operating theatre. Details of this posting are provided in the roster on Day 1 of the posting. Students will also be rostered for night duty during this posting. In addition to monitoring and delivering normal obstetric cases, student on night duty should attend to all emergency obstetric and gynae cases.

Students are also required to attend Department’s academic activities such as grand rounds and journal clubs. Students rotated to the department are required to attend lectures, tutorials as well as hands on practical session such as Episiotomy , Pelvic Trainer and Obstetric Emergency Simulation as well as CTG Interpretation Workshop.

Scope of Work

Obstetrics wards

M4 students should take the opportunity to see patients before (if possible), during and after labour. They will act as an assistant to the delivery team which involves basic monitoring etc. and enables them to deliver or assist in the delivery of subsidised patients. Students are assigned to the labour ward under the supervision of a specialist and the senior nursing staff who can always be approached if problems arise.

When students go on night duty, they will follow the cases that they have been assigned until delivery. This involves clerking the case, timing the uterine contractions every half, presenting the progress of the patient and performing vaginal examinations together with the doctors on duty whenever the patient is reviewed. If the case ends in a normal vaginal delivery, the assigned student is expected to assist in the delivery and episiotomy repair.

Gynaecology wards/theatre

Similarly, M4 students should try to see a patient before and after surgery whenever possible. A log of operations which students should see is included in the O&G Logbook. Students are encouraged to sign up for other procedures in which they will scrub up and assist.

Outpatient and Sub Speciality Clinics

Students should attend the Fetal Care Centre or Antenatal Diagnostic Centre, sub specialty clinics as scheduled in the roster.


In order to nurture fit-for-purpose doctors to serve the current and future needs of the country, we must ensure that the students are able to achieve the core learning outcomes for the O&G Posting. From the Academic Year 2020, the relative proportions and contributions of various assessment components have been standardized to meet accreditation standards according to the National Standards for Basic Medical Education. The contribution of assessment components in the O&G clinical postings are as follows.

  1. Professionalism Assessment
  2. Direct Observations for Procedural Skills (DOPS)
  3. Mini-CEX
  4. Theory Examination — Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and Objective Structured Slide Examination (OSSE)
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