Benign Gynaecology

Professor Yong Eu Leong

Professor Yong Eu Leong

Head, Division of Benign Gynaecology

MBBS, MMed (O&G), MRCOG (UK), Ph.D

Division Director's Message

Benign Gynaecology deals with the all non-cancer pathology that can affect a non-pregnant woman’s reproductive organs.

The division comprises of a dedicated team of doctors who are committed to provide excellent patient care on a wide range of gynaecological issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, contraception, abnormal menstrual bleeding and chronic pelvic pain to name a few.

Staying abreast with the scientific and technological advances allows us to provide world-class personalized and comprehensive care for our patients. Our specialist endometriosis and outpatient hysteroscopy clinics are helmed specialist doctors as well as specialist nurses, with an aim to deliver the care with empathy.

To serve our patients best, we have integrated cutting edge technology with various forms of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) including robotic and single port access surgery in addition to conventional MIS, enabling us to provide the best and most cost-effective care. These modalities enable reduced pain, faster post-operative recovery, shorter hospital stay and overall a better patient experience. As needed, we also collaborate with other specialists like colorectal surgeons and urologists to enable seamless care provision.

To educate fellow doctors, both specialists as well as general practitioners, we hold regular workshops and other academic activities to enable ongoing education for doctors and establish partnerships with our colleagues in primary care settings. We also believe that the patient should be an active partner during the treatment and to that end we hold regular patient information and education sessions as well as patient support group activities and are moving to online provision of such activities given the current situation.

Being doctors that see women during their most vulnerable times, we at the BG division, try to provide our care that is holistic empathetic and compassionate.

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