Bachelor of Science (Nursing) / Bachelor of Science (Nursing) (Honours)

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

To be eligible to apply for admission, applicants need to present one of the following:

  • H2 pass in any two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Physics and Mathematics.
  • A good major GPA in any two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
  • Accredited diploma from a polytechnic in Singapore.
  • Year 12 or higher level pass in any two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Physics, Physical Science, either Mathematics or Further Mathematics.
  • Pass in any two of the following HL subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, MAA or Physics.
  • Applicants will be evaluated for admission on the basis of their high school results, University results, any other academic and non-academic achievements that are submitted to support this application.

Health Requirements & Interview

Please note that Admission to Nursing is subject to health requirements specified by Ministry of Health (MOH). These requirements are subject to changes in accordance with the MOH. Please click here for more details.

In addition to the mandatory MOH’s health requirements, you required to fulfil the fitness to practise requirements by the Singapore Nursing Board (SNB). Please visit SNB website for more details.

You may be asked to attend an interview in April. The selection of students for the BSc (Nursing) programme will be determined by factors over and above the candidates’ academic record.


Admission to the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) programme is administered directly by NUS Office of Admissions (OAM).

Q & A

Is the Nursing degree from NUS recognized for registration overseas? 

The NUS BSc (Nursing) degree is a programme that meets international standards. For graduates who would like to practise in other countries, they will need to fulfil the registration requirements of the country that they would like to practise in.