Nurturing future generations of Nursing professionals

Research Highlights

  • Trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of resilience among undergraduate nursing students: A structural equation modelling approach.

    Nurse Education Today

    ANG Wei How Darryl
  • Facilitators and barriers to implementation of telemedicine in nursing homes: A qualitative systematic review and metaaggregation.

    Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing

    Mary Jeanette IGNACIO
  • The importance of transparency: Declaring the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in academic writing.

    Journal of Nursing Scholarship

    TAM Wai San, Wilson
  • Interventions to reduce burnout and improve the mental health of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials with meta-analysis.

    International Journal of Mental Health Nursing

    DONG Yanhong, Catherine

Professor Liaw Sok Ying
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies

Our Students

Our Students

Our students at the NUS Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies can join clubs, organisations, as well as engage in extracurricular activities.