Singapore researchers developing non-invasive sensor to predict clinical respiratory deterioration in patients

Published: 25 Apr 2020

Acute respiratory failure and pneumonia are some complications caused by COVID-19 and it can be mitigated with early and accurate detection.

Licensing A*STAR technology, Respiree Pte Ltd, together with the National University Hospital (NUH) and the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUS Medicine) are developing a non-invasive sensor to help healthcare professionals monitor patients in isolation rooms, and reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory diseases. 

Associate Professor Lee Pyng from NUS Medicine and Senior Consultant, Division of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine at NUH, and the Principal Investigator for the study said, “Preliminary results show that prediction of clinical deterioration based on respiratory and cardiac parameters is possible up to 25 hours in advance. The novelty of this project is in the use of respiratory biomarkers and data to predict clinical deterioration. We anticipate that it will be more sensitive and specific for respiratory diseases.”

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