Bioethics casebook to help the community care for the aged
Published: 23 May 2017
NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine’s Centre for Biomedical Ethics (CBmE) will launch a Singapore Bioethics Casebook titled ‘Caring for Older People in an Ageing Society’ on 24 May 2017. The Casebook features 10 case studies with situations that go beyond the clinic and into the community, and beyond mainstream issues in medical ethics to focus on the everyday ethical challenges faced by family caregivers, domestic workers, case managers, volunteers, and the aged themselves. Several cases also focus on special ethical challenges facing nursing home administrators and staff. Each case is supported by expert commentaries highlighting ethical issues and a perspective by a Singaporean healthcare or social care professional offering practical advice and insight. Additional support is provided by informational backgrounders, a glossary of terms, and a teaching and learning guide, and can be used by medical practitioners and even the general public.
Read more at NUS News and see press release.
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