
Medical Year 5 Internship Programme


The Student Internship Programme (SIP) with the Department of Surgery aims to  provide students with clinical training in the management of surgical patients by functioning as student interns in the wards. This also gives them the opportunity to interact with other health care professionals in a “team approach” in delivering quality healthcare.


The duration of the student internship is four weeks. During this period, two to three final year students will be attached to a surgical team led by a consultant and directly supervised by the team registrar who is assisted by the Medical Officer (MO) and House Officer (HO). Student interns will be expected to participate in the morning ward round, and to present their cases and management plans to senior doctors in their team. They will help to clerk new cases that are admitted to their team, write daily clinical progress notes for his/her patients and be responsible for following up and obtaining results of investigations done. Student interns will also assist or perform simple procedures which they have done previously under supervision. In addition, student interns will need to be on-call with their supervisors, and are expected to clerk patients and assist the HO or MO on-call.  They also assist in the monitoring of ill patients and assist in the operating theatre.


At the end of the internship, students are assessed based on their practical skills and professionalism.