
Safety & Health Policy

The Department of Surgery is devoted to ensuring a high standard of safety and to the prevention of injury and illness in striving towards research and academic excellence. Safety at the workplace is a value that we inculcate and cultivate in all staff and students in the department.
We are committed to the continual improvement of safety standards and compliance in accordance with NUS Safety and Health Policies so as to maintain a positive and committed safety culture to protect our workforce.
The principles to which we subscribe to are:


Maintaining a high level of safety in our operational procedures to prevent any accidents and damage that will put our staff and students at a higher risk of injuries and illness.


Each individual's health is paramount to us and we support it by advocating medical surveillance and reinforcing safe operational practices.
Individual Responsibility-Safety compliance is a team effort as well as an individual one. Each employee and student in the Department will be reminded of their personal responsibility towards our safety obligations. Each Principle Investigator is ultimately responsible for the compliance of their team with NUS Safety, Health Policies and standards.

Safety Awareness & Training

All research employees and students should take note of OSHE and School of Medicine guidelines and safety communications. Students will be trained by more experienced personnel in the lab who will pass on the concepts of safety in operational practices. This will ensure the promotion and the continuance of safe, healthy and environmentally protective practices in the laboratories.

Safety Management System

We abide by and will continuously improve our framework of safety management and policies. Individual labs are required to provide risk assessment and standard operating protocol for each substantial procedure which are reviewed every three years and updated when new elements or changes are introduced in the procedures. Unsafe acts, incidents and accidents are reported, investigated and will be brought to the attention of all research personnel in the department. By implementing and continuously reviewing S&H management systems and related S&H programmes, standards, we will ensure continual improvement in order to meet best safe practices.

The Department Safety Committee has the mandate to highlight unsafe practices and to encourage staff and students to adopt better procedures and to ensure that every lab maintains high safety standards and compliance.

We shall follow up regularly with all the Safety Management Measures updated by OSHE.
The department will provide the adequate support and resources for safety & health matters.