
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme

The Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine is committed not only to producing outstanding doctors who will serve patients and the community with care and integrity but also to establish the Medical Faculty as a centre of research excellence. Hence a key approach is to develop and nurture our students to meet the research challenges of the 21st century.

The University has a research programme called the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) to promote research by our undergraduates. Undergraduate research in pre-clinical and para-clinical departments is usually carried out under supervision by the PIs and during the vacation period from the First to the Third year. The clinical departments also offer opportunities for research in the Fourth and Fifth year which can also be included in the elective posting schedule. Students who participate in UROP will be given credit for the research done in their Final year academic transcripts.

In addition, those who have achieved excellence in their research projects will be able to submit them for consideration for student research prizes such as the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Prize.

Students participating in UROP are encouraged to apply for membership in the Wong Hock Boon Society


The UROP aims to provide opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research projects with the following objectives:

  • To provide early exposure for students to research training in medical sciences.
  • To develop independent and critical thinking doctors of the future
  • To promote an early appreciation of basic science, medical epidemiology and clinical research

All students in the first to final year are eligible to register for the UROP programme.

Research Projects 

The research projects can be undertaken anytime during the undergraduate period (please note that projects are required to be registered online as UROP projects before commencement), and must meet the following criteria:

  • At least 16 weeks of project work
  • Submission of a project report which can include a published paper in a scientific journal

In order for the student to have a grade reflected on their transcripts, a total of 16 weeks of project work is required.

Group Projects 

With effect from 29 April 2002, no group projects will be allowed.


For each UROP project, students can claim $500/- (for consumables).

Registration of Projects by Supervisors 

Supervisors must register their available projects into the UROP system first before their students can select these projects. Staff under the Clinical Faculty Scheme may also apply as supervisors. Please use the same login and password for the CFS system to access and register your projects for UROP. Click here to register.

Registration of Projects by Students 

Students can register for UROP projects at this link.

Once you have registered, please click on 'Projects registered by Students' to view your registration.

Group projects 

With effect from 29 April 2002, no group projects will be allowed.

Withdrawal from UROP 

Student(s) who wish to withdraw from UROP are required to write-in to the Vice Dean (Research). Please state the project title, name of supervisor and reasons for withdrawal. Please attention your letter to Ms Tan Hui Zhing at the Dean's Office, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Record of UROP Participation 

Each undergraduate who wishes to take part in the programme is required to register online before commencement of project/s. Please note that there should be no back-dating of projects as only work done from point of registration will be considered. Each research project must be certified by the supervisor who may be an academic teaching staff or a research scientist. Students will be assessed on the following:

  1. Literature research
  2. Project work
  3. Number of hours
  4. Commitment
  5. Quality of work
  6. Project report
  7. Scientific publication
  8. Conference/seminar participation
  9. Awards

Students who have participated successfully (at least 16 weeks of project work) in the UROP will have their participation inscribed in their final year academic transcripts. Participation with Pass, Merit and Distinction will be recorded.

Copyrights & Patents 

All copyrights and patents from Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) are governed by the University rules. Detailed information may be obtained from the Rules and Regulations handbook of NUS

Guidelines for Staff Supervising UROP 
1. Selection of Projects 

All academic staff including research scientists who are interested in acting as supervisors in the programme must submit a summary of their projects in the registration form attached online.

2. Maximum number of students 

Each supervisor may supervise up to a maximum of 3 research students during each project period, subject to the approval of the Head of Department to allow the supervisor to take more UROP students.

3. Record of UROP participation 

The supervisor must complete the UROP participation form in the UROP participation record book.
The following will be assessed:

  1. Literature research
  2. Project work 
    - Number of hours
    - Commitment
    - Quality of work 
  3. Project report
  4. Scientific publication
  5. Conference/seminar participation
4. Criteria for assessing students 

The following criteria will be used to assess the performance of students participating in the UROP:

a. Criteria for Pass 
  1. Total project time of a minimum of 4 months and
  2. Submission of a project report to the satisfaction of the supervisor
b. Criteria for Merit 
  1. Total project time of a minimum of 4 months and
  2. Submission of a project report to the satisfaction of the supervisor and
  3. 1 publication in an international/regional refereed journal (editor's letter of acceptance for publication to be attached)
    1 or more (oral or poster) presentations at local / regional / international conferences (accepted for conference proceedings of abstract/email correspondences) as first author
c. Criteria for Distinction 
  1. Total project time of a minimum of 4 months
  2. Submission of a project report to the satisfaction of the supervisor
  3. 2 or more publications in international journal or 1 publication in a journal with high impact factor
  4. Winner of one of the following Research Prize for Undergraduates:
    - Jane Prize for Paediatrics
    - Ophthalmology Gold Medal and Book Prize
    - Outstanding Undergraduate Research Prize (OURP)
    - Received an award at a reputable scientific meeting/conference
    Any other undergraduate research awards will be considered on a case by case basis. Research awards must be awarded prior to grading.
Submission of UROP Reports for M5 Students

All M5 students with registered UROP projects, please submit your final report on the UROP system by Wednesday, 13 January 2022.

Supporting documents, such as published papers/awards etc should be attached with your report for your supervisor’s and Dean's office grading consideration.