Press Releases

21 Oct 2019

NUHS Chief Executive elected to U.S. National Academy of Medicine

The National University Health System (NUHS) Chief Executive, National University of Singapore (NUS) Senior Vice President (Health Affairs) and former Dean of NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Professor John Eu-Li Wong, has been elected to the United States of America’s National Academy of Medicine (NAM), a globally influential organisation on health and science.

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12 Oct 2019

Eye health, social support services in focus at Public Health Service 2019

Screening for advanced eye-related diseases and social support services will be available for the first time at the Public Health Service (PHS) taking place on 12 and 13 October 2019 at Canopy @ JLink.

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05 Oct 2019

New breast cancer screening services, community partners for Neighbourhood Health Service 2019

Led by students from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, this year’s Neighbourhood Health Service in Kampong Glam and Queenstown is the biggest since inception, with more than 30 healthcare screening services and 16 community partners.

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07 Sep 2019

New elective on Innovation and Research for medical students

This new elective will include special workshops on innovation and sponsored elective programmes at NUS Overseas Colleges to hone their entrepreneurial skills.

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06 Sep 2019

New non-invasive imaging research technique can identify patients with curable hypertension

A novel imaging technique can identify the source of the hormone excess in patients with primary aldosteronism, according to Professor Roger Foo from the Department of Medicine at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Senior Consultant Cardiologist at the National University Heart Centre, Singapore, and Adjunct Assistant Professor Troy Puar, Consultant Endocrinologist at Changi General Hospital. They believe that these findings are pertinent to Singapore and also relevant to patients worldwide.

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19 Aug 2019

NUS, Agilent and NUH launch new translational R&D hub to boost clinical diagnostics

S$38 million research facility aims to be a premier, global, one-stop hub for research and translation to clinical testing through biochemical innovation and techniques.

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31 Jul 2019

NUS Medicine researcher wins prestigious Gabbay award for groundbreaking CAR-T cell immunotherapy work

NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine’s Professor Dario Campana is one of two researchers conferred an international award for groundbreaking work in immunotherapy. The Jacob and Louise Gabbay Award in Biotechnology and Medicine recognises scientists in academia, medicine or industry whose work hold outstanding scientific content and significant practical consequences in the biomedical sciences. Prof Campana is one of the pioneers of CAR-T cell therapy, which has been recently used successfully to treat children and adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) here in Singapore at the National University Hospital (NUH).

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06 Jun 2019

NUS medical students get exposure to mass casualty incidents

Medical students at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine can now put their knowledge and skills to the test as members of a medical emergency response team operating in various mass casualty incident scenarios, through a virtually simulated environment. This is made possible through the School’s introduction of the Virtual Interactive Simulation Environment (VISE) system at the Centre for Healthcare Simulation.

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10 Apr 2019

Quick thinking? It’s all down to timing

Synaptic plasticity, which underlies learning and memory, involves the strengthening and weakening of synapses. This process is affected by the relative timing of spikes in electrical activity in the pre- and postsynaptic neurons. Researchers at NUS Medicine have now found that, when both spikes occur simultaneously (or within tens of milliseconds of each other), the synapses were strengthened for up to 4 hours. These findings could impact research in conditions with impaired learning and memory.

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14 Mar 2019

Not mere gut feeling: Blastocystis unmasked as clandestine killer of good bacteria

Blastocystis, a common single gut SCE is often regarded as a harmless commensal organism, peacefully co-existing with its bacterial neighbours. However, this could change with the publication of a new study from NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUS Medicine) which shows that a subtype of Blastocystis can actually harm its neighbours and its home in an insidious way.

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