MACC Funding and Awards



  • Blood-based Biomarkers in Neurocognition and Aging (NCSP2.0/2023/NUHS/SMA). PI: MA Sim, Mentor: C Chen. SGD400,000
  • The TEMPO Study, A Deep-Learning Derived Multisystem Retinal-Blood Biomarker Index for Prediction of Dementia. NUS Clinician Scientist Development Unit Katong Collaboration Grant (KCG/2023/NUSMED/SMA). PI: MA Sim, Mentor: C Chen. SGD45,500 
  • The Pilot ImplemenTation of Quick Dementia Rating Scale in Community Health Post (PITCH) Study  (NUHSRO/2022/098/RO5+6/HPHSR(Collab)-2022/01). PI: C Chen, SGD250,000
  • PREdiction and PAThophysiology of Cognitive Health in Spontaneous IntraCerebral Hemorrhage (the PREPATCH-SICH) Study (NCSP2.0/2023/NUHS/ML). PI: Dr. M Lim, Mentor: C Chen, SGD400,000 
  • The GENESIS STUDY: discoverinG novEl blood-based biomarkers aNd proteomic SIgnatureS of neurocognition and aging. 2023-2027. NMRC Research Training Fellowship (MH 095:003/008-340). PI: MA Sim, Mentor: C Chen. SGD366,500


  • Elucidating the role of inflammasome as pathogenic factors, biomarkers and therapeutic targets for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular cognitive impairment, (MOH-001086-00) – National Medical Research Council. PI: C Chen. SGD1,500,000


  • Prevention of and Biomarkers for Vascular Cognitive Impairment. National Medical Research Council (NMRC/OFLCG/2019). PI: C Chen SGD10,000,000
  • Validating Existing and Emerging Multi-modal Biomarkers of Vascular Cognitive Impairment (MOH-000707) Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award. PI : C Chen. SGD5,995,800
  • INTEgRating bRain, Eye And Cardiac Research (INTER-REACH) : How the Scarecrow found a Brain, the Lion Vision to locate Courage and the Tin Man a Heart (CG21APR2010). PI : C Chen SGD4,000,000


  • NUS-USYD Strategic Partnership 2019 – Intensive targeting of blood pressure to reduce dementia and small‐vessel disease in individuals who have survived an intracerebral haemorrhage: a multi‐site double‐blind placebo controlled randomized controlled trial and cognitive validity study, SGD9925
  • DDOP Clinical trial – Clinical assessment of the use of reverse transcriptase inhibitors in patients with mild cognitive impairment, SGD341,000


  • Machine learning tools for personalised diagnosis in dementia, PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD121,720
  • MACC Biomarker Discovery Bridging Fund, (NUHSCG/2017/Bridging/01 (NMRC/CG/M009/2017) – ). PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD100,000
  • SINgapore GERiatric intervention study to reduce physical frailty and cognitive decline (SINGER) Pilot study, (Functionalageing/SINGER/FY2018). PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD420,000
  • Mechanisms of decline in vascular cognitive impairment (NMRC/CIRG/1485/2018), PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD1,493,000


  • Translational Research in Vascular Biomarkers of Dementia: Discovery, Validation and Assessment of Clinical Utility (NMRC/CSA-SI/0007/2016); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD1,750,000
  • Novel retinal imaging biomarkers for cognitive decline, Health and Medical Research Fund (application no. 04153506); Collaborator: A/Prof Christopher Chen (PI: Asst/Prof Carol Cheung Yim-Lui). HKD1,190,482
  • Telomere length as a peripheral biomarker of cerebrovascular disease and neurodegeneration in dementia, NUHS O-CRG 2016 Oct -24; Co-I: A/Prof Christopher Chen (PI: Asst/Prof Mitchell Lai). SGD179,999
  • Targeting Age-Associated White Matter Lesions, AMED2016-SG013; Co-I: A/Prof Christopher Chen (PI: Prof Peter Wong). SGD250,000
  • Cognitive and neuropsychiatric profiles of amyloid burden and cerebrovascular disease in elderly with mild cognitive impairment (NUHSRO/2017/014/Cambridge/01); NUHS PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen, Cambridge PI: Prof John O’Brien. SGD30,000
  • Diabetes, Tuberculosis and Neuroscience Core 4 – Neuro Cognitive Core (NUHS MCG CORE 4 NCC OOE / EOM – Centre Grant); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD552,271 (disbursed in 2018)


  • The Alzheimer’s disease THErapy with NEuroaid (ATHENE) Study : Assessing the Safety and Efficacy of Neuroaid II (MLC901) in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease stable on Cholinesterase inhibitors or Memantine: A Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial (NMRC/MOHIAFCat1/0060/2016); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD675,000
  • An investigation of visual speed of processing in MCI patients, NUHS CIRC Core Seed Funding ; PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD49,700
  • Ocular Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease: OMEGA Study, DUKE/DUKE-NUS Research Collaboration Pilot Project; Co-I: A/Prof Christopher Chen (PI: Prof Wong Tien Yin). SGD100,000
  • Etiology of Cortical Cerebral Microinfarcts and Impact on Brain Function and Long Term Outcomes (NMRC/CIRG/1446/2016); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD1,472,463.02


  • Correlating brain glutamate levels with cognitive function and amyloid burden in ApoE4 Alzheimer’s disease, NUHS CIRC Core Seed Funding; PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen SGD50,000
  • Preclinical and clinical investigations of neurodegeneration and age-associated cognitive impairments (NUHSRO/2014/102/AF-WORLDCLASS/01); Co-PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen (PI: Prof Carlos Ibanez). SGD2,000,000 (total approved grant budget)


  • NUHS – Metabolic Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Neuroscience Enablers (MINE) – Cognitive Assessment Core, NMRC/CG/013/2013, NMRC Centre Grant; PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD3,100,000
  • The Feasibility and Validation of an Informant-Based Cognitive Screening Instrument in the Primary Healthcare Setting (HSRG/041/2013); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD200,000


  • Translational Research in Dementia: Mechanisms of Diseaes, Pathophysiology and Biomarker Discovery, NMRC/CSA/032/2011, Clinic Scientist Award (SI category); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen SGD1,750,000


  • Retinal Vascular Signs as Novel Biomarkers of Dementia, GSK ACE award. Co-PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD1,1011,825
  • Chinese Medicine Neuroaid Efficacy on Stroke Recovery (CHIMES) Study, (NMRC/1288/2011); PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD743,677


  • Memory Ageing and Cognition Centre, NMRC/CG/NUHS/2010, NUHS Centre Grant. PI: A/Prof Christopher Chen. SGD6,000,000 (April 2010 to March 2014)


The MACC has won many local and international awards, see below:


National Medical Research Council

  1. Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (2021):
    • Assoc. Prof. Christopher Chen, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) National University Hospital System (NUHS) (Neurology)
  2. Clinician Scientist Award (2017): Translational Research in Vascular Biomarkers of Dementia: Discovery, Validation and Assessment of Clinical Utility
    • Assoc. Prof. Christopher Chen, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) National University Hospital System (NUHS) (Neurology)
  3. STaR Investigator Award (2013): Synaptic Injury in Alzheimer Disease: Mechanisms and Treatment
    • Prof Edward Koo, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) National University Hospital System (NUHS) (Neurology)
  4. Clinician Scientist Award – Investigators (2012): Retinal Vascular Imaging Study in Transient Ischemic Attack (REVISTA)
    • Dr Mohammad Kamran Ikram, Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) YLLSOM (Opthalmology)
  5. Clinician Scientist Award – Senior Investigators (2012): Translational Research in Dementia: Mechanisms of Disease, Pathophysiology and Biomarker Discovery
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM) National University Hopsital System (NUHS)(Neurology)
  6. Research Training Fellowship (2011):
    • Ms. Catherine Dong YanHong, NUS Department of Pharmacology Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)

National University Health System (NUHS) and National University of Singapore (NUS)

  1. Clinician Scientist Program (NCSP) Award (2023)
    • Dr. Sim Ming Ann
  2. Tan Seng Huat Gold Medalist, NUS Division of Graduate Medical Studies (2022)
    • Dr. Sim Ming Ann
  3. NUS Research Scholarship (2022)
    • Choi Jiangbo
  4. NUS Singapore International Graduate Award (2022)
    • Katrina Liao
  5. NUS Too Joon Chew PhD Prize (2022)
    • Dr. Joyce Chong
  6. NUS Medicine Best Graduate Research Publication Award (2022)
    • Dr. Joyce Chong
  7. NUSMed Post-Doctoral Fellowship
    • Dr. Chai Yuek Ling
  8. Sponsorship for young Biomedical Science EducatorS Programme, NUS Centre for Medical Education (2021)
    • Dr. Joyce Chong
  9. NUS Singapore International Graduate Award (2016)
    • Dr. Bibek Gyanwali
  10. Faculty Research Excellent Award AY2014/2015 – NUS Medicine Award Ceremony 2016
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li-Hsien
  11. Best International Oral Presentation Award at the NUS Medicine 6th Annual Graduate Scientific Congress (AGSC) 2016 
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  12. National Clinician Scientist Program (NCSP) Award (2014)
    • Dr. Catherine Dong YanHong, NUS Department of Pharmacology Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSOM)


  1. College of Physicians Lecturer (2019)
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li-Hsien
  2. Galloway Lecturer by the Academy of Medicine (2017)
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li-Hsien
  3. Excellence Award by the Glaxo Smith Kline Academic Centre (2010)
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li Hsien
  4. Special Recognition Award for the CHIMES trial for high profile clinical research by the Singapore Clinical Research Institute
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li-Hsien and team (Dr. S Yong, Dr. NV ramani, Ms. Connie Teo and Mr. David Picard)




  1. Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD) Young Research Forum 2nd Best Oral Presentation Award Winner (2023):
    • Kan Cheuk Ni
  2. Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD) Young Research Forum 3rd Best Oral Presentation Award Winner (2023):
    • Katrina Liao
  3. 47th Singapore – Malaysia Congress of Medicine, Bronze Award for Best Poster (2022):
    • Dr. Sim Ming Ann
  4. Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD) 2nd Best Poster Award Winner (2022):
    • Kan Cheuk Ni
  5. Azheimers Associate International Conference (AAIC) Best Neuropsychiatric Syndromes Professional Interest Area Poster Award (2020):
    • Kan Cheuk Ni
  6. Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD) E-Poster Session Award Winner (2020):
    • Vismitha Rajeev
  7. Simeon Marasigan Memorial Lecture, Dementia Society of the Philipines (2020):
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li Hsien
  8. Travel Grant Award at the Geneva Health Forum (2020):
    • Dr Bibek Gyanwali
  9. Young Investigator Scholarship CONY (2020):
    • Dr Bibek Gyanwali
  10. Honorary Fellow of the Japanese Society of Neurology (2019):
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li Hsien
  11. Travel Grant Award at the International Congress of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (2019):
    • Dr Bibek Gyanwali
  12. Early Career Investigator Travel  Bursary at the 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Floow Metabolism and Function (Brain and Brain PET, 2019):
    • Dr Bibek Gyanwali
  13. Best poster presentation at the 13th Asian Society Against Dementia Conference (2019):
    • Dr Saima Hilal
  14. Travel grant by The International Society of Vascular Behavioral and Cognitive Disorders for presenting paper on, “Enlarged perivascular spaces and cognition: meta-analysis of four cohorts in UNIVRSE consortium” (2018): 
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  15. Travel Fellowship, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference for presenting paper on, ‘Cerebral cortical microinfarcts and cognitive decline in Asian memory clinic population’ (2018):
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  16. Travel Fellowship, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference for presenting paper on, ‘Subclinical cardiac biomarkers and clinically manifest cardiac diseases are related to cortical cerebral microinfarcts in memory clinic patients’ (2016):
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  17. Best oral presentation award (Annual Graduate Scientific Conference), National University of Singapore, for presenting paper on, ‘Cerebral cortical microinfarcts on 3 Tesla MRI: a novel markers of cerebrovascular disease’ (2016)
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  18. International Training Grant (Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek), Netherlands for training on ‘Lesion symptom mapping for white matter hyperintesity lesions’ (2015)
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  19. Young Investigator Award at The International Society of Vascular Behavioral and Cognitive Disorders Conference (2015)
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  20. Best oral presenters at the 9th Asian Society Againts Dementia Conference (2015)
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
    • Shaik Muhammad Amin
  21. Best poster presenters at the 9th Asian Society Againts Dementia Conference (2015)
    • Dr. Xu Xin
    • Chan Qun Lin
  22. MV Arunachalam Endowment Orator
    • A/Prof Christopher Chen Li Hsien
  23. Best paper award at ASEAN Neuroscience Conference (2015)
    • Dr. Venketasubramanian Narayanaswamy
  24. Travel Fellowship by Alzheimer’s Association International Conference for presenting paper on, ‘High-definition optical coherence tomography and MRI-defined neuroimaging markers in an Asian population’ (2014)
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  25. Best poster presentation prize at the 8th Asian Society Against Dementia Conference (2014)
    • Dr. Xu Xin
  26. Recipient of prestigious Endeavour Research Fellowship and Dean’s List Award for her PhD (2014)
    • Dr. Catherine Dong YanHong
  27. Best oral presenter award at the 7th Asian Society Against Dementia Conference (2013)
    • Dr. Saima Hilal
  28. Best oral award at the 6th Asian Society Against Dementia and 17th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine Awards (2012):
    • Lee Wah Yean (first author)
    • Dong YanHong (presenter)
  29. Best poster award at the 6th Asian Society Against Dementia and 17th Malaysian Conference on Psychological Medicine Awards (2012)
    • Dong YanHong
  30. Young Investigator Award at 13th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology Award (2012):
    • Koay Way Inn