Our Initiatives

International Women’s Day

Since 2021, EOCD and WISH had been organising virtual/in-person events around International Women’s Day, in order to celebrate the achievements of women in Singapore. We had the privilege of having President Halimah Yacob, Minister-of-State, Ms Sun Xueling and Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Mdm Rahayu Mahzam, as our Guests of Honours.

For 2023, a collaboration between the various women’s organisations in Singapore sets a milestone in terms of acknowledging the efforts of institutions and organisations in implementing equitable gender policies. Collectively, we hope to inspire and encourage more women to continue and excel in their careers particularly in STEM, healthcare and medicine.

Click the links below to view:

International Women’s Day Conference 2021

International Women’s Day Conference 2022

International Women’s Day Symposium 2023

International Women’s Day Symposium 2024

Lunch & Learn Series

EOCD organises quarterly ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions in partnership with the NUHS Women in Science and Healthcare (WISH). The series, an inclusive networking platform to benchmark positive leadership behaviour, encourage learning and sharing on diversity and inclusivity issues in the workplace and to share inspiring personal success stories in various domains of life.

Click here to view the full Lunch & Learn playlist.


Women in Science Early Career Fellowship

EOCD established a system that supports a postdoctoral fellowship for women to transition into an academic tenure-track research career. WIS-ECF aims to promote the development of young and outstanding female academics in all areas of the biomedical sciences.

Click Women in Science Early Career Fellowship (WIS-ECF) to download the application form and contact information.


Guidelines on Diversity and Inclusion for Conference Planning 

One of the goals of EOCD is advocating inclusive representation on national and international symposiums organised or supported by NUSMed and NUHS. EOCD and WISH have crafted a set of guidelines on Diversity and Inclusion for Conference Planning that express our commitment in promoting inclusive representation on conference/panel/committee speaker composition as well as stimulate wider awareness on inclusivity when organising symposiums or seminars.

We hope that this would help facilitate a forward shift towards equality and diversity in the workplace.

Click Guidelines on Diversity & Inclusion for Conference Planning to download the complete set of guidelines.


Supporting Nursing Mothers in NUS Medicine

One of EOCD’s vision is supporting women in NUS to balance both careers and families, and an initiative we undertook is to bring awareness to the options available for nursing mothers to continue with their breastfeeding journey while at work.