Frequently Asked Questions

1. I am not a medical student; can I still apply for elective posting?

No, applicant must be a bona fide student of a medical school and already in their clinical years.

2. What is the minimum and maximum posting period?

The minimum and maximum total posting periods are 2 weeks and 12 weeks respectively. Postings are counted in weeks, commencing on a Monday and ending on a Friday.

3. Can I do a research project during my electives in Singapore?

Please email at least 2 months before the commencement of the elective attachment. Request for a research project is subjected to the department’s approval. 

4. Can I start the posting if I have not submitted all the required documents?

No, you are not allowed to proceed with the posting if you did not submit all the required documents.

5. Who needs to pay for elective fees?

Students who were nominated by their Universities that have BEAs with NUS Medicine will enjoy a waiver of elective fees. However, students who were not nominated by their Universities or do not have any BEAs with NUS Medicine may still apply but will not enjoy a waiver of elective fees.

The elective fee for International Students is S$457.80 per week. This amount was derived based on fees payable by local Singapore Citizens/ Permanent Residents, instead of basing it on fees payable by International Students.

Singapore Citizens/ Singapore Permanent Residents are not required to pay any elective fees.

6. Is application fee the same for Singapore Citizens/ Singapore Permanent Residents and International Students?

The application fee is the same for all students, at S$152.80 per application.

7. How do I make payment for the Application Fees/ Electives Fees?

Payments can only be made via credit card, or PayNow.

8. Can I make changes to the application submitted?

Request for change in discipline/ department/ hospital of postings will NOT be accepted after the application has been processed by the hospitals. Please submit a fresh application together with the application fee.

For changes in posting date (for any confirmed posting), applicants will be charged a non-refundable administrative fee of S$53.50 for each change request even if the department is unable to accommodate the change of dates. Please take note changes are subject to the availability of vacancies and supervision, and the Dean’s approval.

9. Are there tuition fees payable?

No, there are no other tuition fees involved. Only application fees and elective fee (if applicable) are payable.

10. If my medical school does not have an exchange agreement with NUS Medicine, can we establish one?

NUS Medicine welcomes interest to establish a bilateral exchange agreement. Interested institutions may send in their request to

11. What information should be indicated in the Letter of Good Standing (LoGS)/ letter confirming student status?

The letter should have the following statement:

The applicant is a registered undergraduate medical student of the applicant’s University and will still be a registered undergraduate medical student of the applicant’s University during the period of the elective attachment.

The applicant’s proposed elective attachments are considered suitable. By the time of the proposed elective, the student will be in his/her clinical years.

12. Can I provide documentary proof of one dose of immunity to Rubella?

No, if you are unable to present documentary proof of 2 doses of immunisation, you will have to undergo a 2nd immunisation or screening. For students who are tested negative for immunity, you will have to take 2 doses of immunisation.

13. Where can I purchase the Professional Indemnity Insurance/ Malpractice Insurance?

Some students are covered by their parent University but for those who are not, they have to purchase from their local insurance companies.

If you are having difficulty getting the Professional Indemnity Insurance,  you may approach the Medical Protection Society, Singapore. Alternatively, you may purchase a Health/Travel insurance that covers Personal Liability.

14. What are the details stated on the Letter of Completion?

Apart from the student’s name and name of Parent University, the other details include:

a) Name of posting department
b) Name of teaching hospital
c) Posting period
d) Posting objectives
e) Medium of instruction/ language used (English)
f) School of Medicine official endorsement

15. Can I obtain a hardcopy of the acceptance letter?

A copy of the acceptance letter is available for print here. Please login with your student application number and password.

16. Can I get NUS Medicine to endorse forms or documents requested by my School?

NUS Medicine will not be able to endorse any documents from your university or any other special request forms containing statements such as “the student has had the same rights, duties, responsibilities like the regular medical students of the University…” or with similar meanings. The practice of acknowledging such forms has discontinued due to legal reasons.

17. Can I submit the application if I am in pre-clinical years?

No, postings under our Clinical Electives Programme for Overseas Visiting Students are open to applicants who are bona fide students of a medical school and already in their clinical years and doing clinical postings/ clerkships.

For pre-clinical opportunities at any other restructured hospitals in Singapore, kindly contact the hospital directly.

18. Where can I buy a white coat in Singapore?

You may purchase it from NUS Co-op. The nearest one would be at NUS CO-OP@LT27.

19. Can I apply at any time throughout the year?

Yes, however, applications must be submitted 6-12 months prior to your proposed posting period.

20. If I do not get offered a placement, will my application fee be refunded?

No, the application fee is non-refundable.

21. How will I know if I have secured a placement?

An offer will be sent via email once a placement has been found. Applicants then have to either accept or decline the placement offer.

22. If I get an offer but it is not what I want, do I have the option to choose a different placement/ offer?

No, only one offer will be made to each applicant. Should you decline the offer, no further offers will be made and the application will be deemed as withdrawn. You will not be refunded your application fee as well.

23. I am an International Student; what Visa or entry approvals do I need to enter Singapore?

Overseas medical students who are planning to do a clinical elective posting in Singapore are required to apply for Work Holiday Programme (WHP). Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) need not apply for such passes.

Students with WHP are allowed to participate in learning activities such as history taking, physical examination and assist in certain procedures. All procedures should be done under supervision by the supervisor.
If students do not possess WHP, they can enter Singapore using a Short-Term Visit Pass and the duration of the stay (duration of electives) will be restricted within 30 days, granted by Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) upon entry.
Students are to apply for the necessary passes on their own. More details, including the application form and requirements can be found at MOM Work Holiday Programme website.