Osteoporosis Management (Intermediate) (Synchronous e-learning)

Programme Code: TGS-2020507535

SFC-Eligible / SMC Accredited CME Course / SNB Accredited CPE Course

Mode of Delivery

Online (Live)


2 Day

Date / Time

  • Next Run TBA

Programme Highlights

Jointly organised by the Osteoporosis Society Singapore and the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, this course will teach healthcare professionals in the community to screen, diagnose and treat osteoporosis to prevent Singaporeans from sustaining fragility fractures. With proper treatment, the risk of fractures can be reduced by 30-70%. However, there is low awareness on the importance of osteoporosis among healthcare workers and patients. Hence, the number of people who are at high risk of fractures being diagnosed and managed appropriately is low (<20%). This course aims to raise awareness of potential fractures and its consequences.

This course is endorsed by Endocrine & Metabolic Society of Singapore College, Chapter of Endocrinologists and Chapter of Rheumatologists, College of Physicians Singapore and College of Family Physicians Singapore. 

Benefits of Attending

  • Gain in-depth knowledge about the various aspects of osteoporosis such as diagnosis, treatment, fall prevention as well as dietary and exercise management through comprehensive lecture content and practical case studies
  • Learn from highly experienced and distinguished faculty members who are experts within the field of osteoporosis
  • Able to support patients to lead healthier lives – free from fractures and disability from untreated osteoporosis
  • Provide accurate knowledge to patient and their caregivers

Who Should Attend

  • Primary care physicians
  • Hospital generalists and specialists
  • Pharmacists
  • Nurses

Trainer Profile

Participants will be able to engage in comprehensive discussions with our multidisciplinary team of trainers who are experienced medical educationalists, qualified clinical, allied health and nursing educators.

Dr Ang Seng Bin

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A/Prof Lau Tang Ching

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Dr Chionh Siok Bee

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Dr Linsey Gani

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Dr Susan Logan

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Dr Lydia Au

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Ms Janelle Pang

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Ms Elizabeth Chan

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Course Agenda

Day Topics
Day 1
  • Welcome Remarks and Introduction of Speakers
  • Identifying Osteoporosis: Importance and Diagnosis
  • Assessment for Risk of Osteoporosis and Fractures
  • Risk Factors for Fractures and Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis
  • How to read a DXA Report
  • Case Study Discussions
  • Wrap up and Q&A
Day 2
  • Introduction of Speakers
  • Pharmacological Management of Osteoporosis
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and its role in Bone Health
  • Non-Pharmacological Management: Prevention of Sarcopaenia and Falls
  • Case Study by Dietitian
  • Practical Demonstrations by Physiotherapist
  • Case Study Discussions
  • Wrap up and Q&A
  • 1 Hour Online Quiz and Course Evaluation

Pre-Requisites and Assessment

Participants must posses either one of these qualifications: MBBS / BSc Pharmacy / BSc (Nursing) / Diploma in Nursing / BSc (Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging) / Specialist Diploma in Radiology Nursing, or their equivalent.

Assessment components include short-answer and multiple choice questions.

Awards and Certification

All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion. In addition, the following accredition points are awarded

  • CME points accredited by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC)
  • CPE points accredited by the Singapore Nursing Board (SNB)

Hear from Past Participants

Course Fee

International Participants

Singapore Citizens1 39 years old or younger

Singapore Citizens1 40 years old or older eligible for MCES2

Singapore PR

Enhanced Training Support For SMEs3

Full Course Fee






Less: SSG Grant Amount4





Nett Course Fee






7% GST on Nett Course Fee






Total Nett Course Fee Payable including GST






Less Additional Funding if Eligible Under Various Schemes



Total Nett Cost Fee Payable, Including GST, after additonal funding from the various funding schemes






1) All self-sponsored Singaporean aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit to pay for the course fee.

2) Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES): Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.

3) Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS): SME-sponsored employees (Singapore Citizens and PRs) may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.

4) Learners must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components, to be eligible for SSG funding.


The Osteoporosis Society (Singapore) Education Grant

The Osteoporosis Society (Singapore) provides an education grant for self-paying OSS members who are not eligible for SkillsFuture credit (work visa/pass holders). Eligible members may apply directly with the OSS via email at osteoporosis_society@themeetinglab.com

  • Supporting documents will be required to validate these conditions.
  • Applicants are required to be OSS members and to make a co-payment of 10% of course fees.
  • The OSS will review each application and upon approval, the applicant may proceed to confirm the registration and pay registration fees. Applicants should obtain a pass for the course exam.
  • The OSS will reimburse after the course with proof of payment receipt and certificate of attendance.
  • Limited places are available and grant application should be made at least two weeks prior to the course.

Application Deadline


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