1. Letter of Good Standing (LoGS) with official school stamp.
Applicants may download the Letter of Good Standing template as a reference. The letter must be printed on your university’s letterhead, completed, signed by your Dean’s Office or Registrar and endorsed with your official school stamp. The letter must be uploaded online. This letter must be sighted with the official school stamp in the original copy on the first day of your electives posting.
2. Infection Control Training (ICT) Certification Letter / PPE Letter
Applicants may download the Infection Control Training (ICT) Certification Letter template as a reference. The letter must be printed on your university’s letterhead, completed, signed by your Dean’s Office or Registrar and endorsed with your official school stamp. The letter must be uploaded online.This letter must be sighted with the official school stamp in the original copy on the first day of your electives posting.
The ICT certification letter/PPE letter is required of all students who want to receive clinical training in Singapore’s restructured hospitals. The letter certifies your proficiency in using ICT and related procedures, which must include mask fitting, gowning, gloving and hand washing techniques.
3. NUS Medicine Medical Examination Report, Vaccination and Screening Requirements
All visiting students are to abide by the following health requirements. These requirements are subject to changes following the Singapore Ministry of Health. Please download and complete the NUS Medicine Medical Examination Report.
All medical students attending elective attachments under our Clinical Electives Programme for Overseas Visiting Students must submit a complete NUS Medicine Medical Examination Report.
The Medical Examination Report consists of 2 parts. Part 1 has to be completed by the student, and a licensed medical practitioner or physician must complete Part 2. The original Medical Examination Report must be submitted together with the screening results. Please upload the documents online.
- Results of blood tests (Hepatitis B, Varicella and MMR) and Hepatitis C, HIV reports must be attached to the medical examination report for submission. The Medical Examination Report and Results of Blood Tests must not be dated more than 6 months from the date of application.
- Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR): All students should be immune (from documented infection) or fully vaccinated. Students should produce official records of previous vaccinations or serological screening results or physician documented diagnoses of previous infection as proof of immunity. Self-declaration is not sufficient. However, a student may begin posting without documentary evidence of immunisation for MMR if he/ she has a letter from a physician stating that there is a reason why he/ she cannot receive the vaccine.
- Varicella (Chickenpox): All students must be immune to and/ or vaccinated for the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Students should either be screened for immunity, or produce official records of previous vaccinations as proof of immunity. Self-declaration is only acceptable if the history of varicella was based on physician diagnosis. When past history of varicella is uncertain, a serology test should be carried out to confirm immunity against varicella. However, a student may begin posting without documentary evidence of immunisation for Chickenpox if:
- He/ she has a letter from a physician stating that there is a reason why he/ she cannot receive the vaccine;
- He/ she concerned has documented evidence of two administrations of the Varicella vaccine (non-responders)
- Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis: All students should produce documented proof of vaccination with Tdap in the last 10 years. Those who have not previously received tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis (Tdap) should be vaccinated with a single dose of Tdap, regardless of the interval since the last dose of tetanus or diphtheria-containing vaccine. Proof of vaccination with Td alone is insufficient. Self-declaration is not accepted as proof of immunity.
- Influenza: Students are encouraged to receive the influenza vaccination.
- Hepatitis B: All students must be screened for hepatitis B carriage and show documented serological evidence of immunity against hepatitis B (i.e. anti-HBs =10 mIU/mL). Hepatitis B-negative students who do not have documented serological evidence of immunity against hepatitis B (i.e. anti-HBs =10 mIU/mL) must be vaccinated with the primary course series (i.e. 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine). A post-vaccination serology test should be conducted to determine the concentration of protective antibodies, i.e. anti-HBs of at least 10mIU/mL. Students should have completed at least two doses of Hepatitis B vaccine before attending clinical training.
- Hepatitis C & HIV: Students must submit documentary evidence of screening for Hepatitis C and HIV.
- COVID-19 Vaccination: Students must submit documented proof of vaccination for COVID-19 (2 doses).
[PART 2 – Upon Acceptance of the Elective Placement Offer (at least 2 MONTHS prior to commencement of the posting)]
- Professional Indemnity Insurance/ Malpractice Insurance,
- Travel Insurance
- Elective fee payment (for international students only)
1. Proof of Professional Indemnity Insurance/ Malpractice Insurance
All students are to indemnify and keep indemnified, save and hold harmless NUS, the participating hospitals and its employees or volunteers against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses, including legal fees, and any other liability arising in any way from the student’s participation in the Clinical Electives Programme for Overseas Visiting Students.
It is a requirement for elective students to provide evidence of indemnity cover for the elective period. This coverage can be provided by your University or an alternative insurance organisation.
Proof of Professional Indemnity Insurance is for the period of posting. Students who can’t secure a Professional Indemnity Insurance in their home country (example China, Japan, India etc) can opt for travel insurance that includes third-party liability coverage.
If you are having difficulty getting the Professional Indemnity Insurance, you may approach the Medical Protection Society, Singapore. Please note that MPS is only applicable for students from the listed countries on their website.
Joining MPS as a medical student is easy and it is free. For more information and assistance, please kindly contact the Singapore Medical Association.
Singapore Medical Association
2985 Jalan Bukit Merah
#02-2C SMF Building
Singapore 159457
Toll free: 0800 616 7055
Tel: 6223 1264
Fax: 6252 9693
Email: mps@sma.org.sg
2. Elective fees
Payment link for Elective Fees will only be made available 1 week before the start of posting.
Please make payment via the link in the portal and upload the receipt.
Mode of payment: Master, Visa, Amex, PayNow, Alipay
3. Travel Insurance (For foreigners ONLY)
The applicant is required to upload a copy of the insurance online. It should cover the duration of posting while in Singapore.
Posting at the Singapore General Hospital
Additional documents for elective students who have posting(s) at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH), to be submitted upon your acceptance of the elective placement offer, prior to the start date:
Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Certification Please ensure that the BCLS certification covers modules in one–rescuer CPR, adult foreign–body airway obstruction (conscious to unconscious), infant CPR, and infant foreign–body airway obstruction. This must be clearly stated in the certificate. Students who are unable to submit a valid BCLS certification before the commencement of their posting will not be allowed to start their posting.Please kindly email this document to:
Ms Ruhaya Binte Saim
Education Dean’s Office
Singapore General Hospital
Email: adminado@sgh.com.sg