This year marks the 3rd advanced therapeutic endoscopy workshop conducted by NUH. The comprehensive program comprises of a symposium which will bring together an international faculty of experts in this field, including Professor Haruhiro Inoue, who performed the world’s first clinical case of POEM. The symposium aims to provide an overview on the techniques for POEM, Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR), exploring the latest advances in these fields. The workshop this year is special as it is held in conjunction with the Asian Narrow Band Imaging Group (ANBIG) workshop, which includes a rigorous, structured program on the art and techniques of narrow band imaging (NBI). The hands-on session will allow participants to practice NBI and perform POEM, ESD and EMR on animal models with guidance from the international panel of expert faculty.