The Summit Research Programmes are NUS Medicine’s flagship research efforts and contributions to improve population health in Singapore and globally. By emphasising a strong mentorship culture, we will build a strong foundation that will enable the next generation of clinician-scientists to further advance the development of medical science.
– Assoc Prof Yeoh Khay Guan Deputy Chief Executive, National University Health System
What are the Summit Research Programmes?
The Summit Research Programmes (SRPs) bring together established high-caliber investigators to form distinctive collaborative research programmes with high international impact. The SRPs will nurture early-career scientists to produce the next generation of biomedical researchers. The aim is to achieve significant improvements in disease understanding and clinical practice and innovations that will improve health outcomes and lead to societal and economic benefits for Singapore.
SRP Goals
Dynamic Nature of SRPs
As current SRPs achieve their goals of becoming world-class and establishing the next generation of researchers, it is expected that other, high-potential research programmes will mature to become SRPs. Thus, all research programmes at NUS Medicine would have the chance to become SRPs.