
Assoc Prof Veronique Angeli

ORCID: 0000-0002-2759-3497


Director of Immunology Translational Research Programme, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Leader of Immunology Programme, Life Sciences Institute, National University of Singapore
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Adjunct Associate Professor, Lemole Centre for Lymphatic Research and Vascular Research, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, PA, USA
Vice President, Research, for Lymphedema Society of Singapore


PhD Immunology, Parasitology, Pasteur Institute of Lille, University of Lille, France
B.S Biochemistry, University of Mediterranee, Marseille, France


Dr ANGELI Veronique received her PhD in 2001 from University of Lille in France. After her post-doctoral training at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York city, USA from 2002 to 2005, she was recruited as assistant Professor at National University of Singapore in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and promoted as associated professor in 2014. She is currently the leader of the Immunology Programme at Life Sciences Institute, NUS since July 2018 and the director of Immunology Translational Research programme at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS since 2020. As a recognition of her research contributions, she received the Faculty young investigator award in 2011, the Mochtar Riady Pinnacle Young Achiever Award from National University of Singapore in 2015 and Research Excellence Award from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in 2022.
Her laboratory has advanced our understanding on the functions of lymphatic vessels in immunity, inflammation and lipid transport and published seminal work in top journals including Blood, Cell Metabolism and Immunity. She is now exploiting some of this knowledge to design new therapeutic strategies for lymphatic diseases including lymphedema. She is also actively involved in bringing awareness about lymphedema, a debilitating condition particularly affecting cancer survivors, in Singapore and around the world.

More recently, Dr Angeli’s team uncovered a unique population of tissue- resident macrophage expressing Lyve-1 capable of controlling tissue collagen deposition at steady state. The contribution of this macrophage in vascular diseases, ageing and is ongoing with the promise to open the ways to new therapeutic strategies for fibrosis, wounds and tissue ageing.

Research Areas/Research Interest

My future research goals can be summarized as follow:
To establish my laboratory as a global leader for the research on lymphatic
vessel and lipid diseases.
To further translate our basic research into clinical applications by extending
and strengthening our collaborations with local clinicians and industrial partners to:
– exploit the novel HDL property on lymphatic vessel
– target the lymphatic vessel as new therapeutic for metabolic and inflammatory diseases
– validate the use of LYVE-1+ cells as a biological marker for aortic aneurysms and develop a diagnostic test.
-commercialize a tissue-engineered device using the unique regenerative property of LYVE-1+ macrophages for the treatment of (cardio)vascular diseases and spin-out a company from National University of Singapore based on this technology.

Selected Publications

Two distinct interstitial macrophage populations coexist across tissues in specific subtissular niches. Science 2019 Mar 15, 363 eaau0964. DOI: 10.1126/science.aau0964

Svetoslav Chakarov, Hwee Ying Lim, Leonard Tan, Sheau Yng Lim, Peter See, Josephine Lum, Zhang Xiao-Meng, Shihui Foo, Satoshi Nakamizo, Duan Kaibo, Wan Ting Kong, Rebecca Gentek, Akhila Balachander, Daniel Carbajo, Camille Bleriot, Benoit Malleret, John Kit Chung Tam, Sonia Baig, Muhammad Shabeer, Sue-Anne Ee Shiow Toh, Andreas Schlitzer, Anis Larbi, Thomas Marichal, Bernard Malissen, Jinmiao Chen, Michael Poidinger, Kenji Kabashima, Marc Bajenoff, Lai Guan Ng, Veronique Angeli and Florent Ginhoux.

Dyslipidemia associated with atherosclerotic disease systemically alters dendritic cell mobilization. Immunity 2004, 21:561-574

Angeli V, Llodra J, Rong JX, Satoh K, Ishii S, Shimizu T, Fisher EA, Randolph GJ.

iPS-cell-derived microglia promote brain organoid maturation via cholesterol transfer. Nature Nov;623(7986):397-405. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06713-1

Dong Shin Park, Tatsuya Kozaki, Satish Kumar Tiwari, Marco Moreira, Ahad Khalilnezhad, Federico Torta, Nicolas Olivié, Chung Hwee Thiam, Oniko Liani, Aymeric Silvin, Wint Wint Phoo, Liang Gao, Alexander Triebl, Leticia Gonçalves, Wan Ting Kong, Xiao Meng Zhang, Garett Dunsmore, Charles Antoine Dutertre, Salanne Lee, Jia Min Ong, Akhila Balachander, Shabnam Khalilnezhad, Josephine Lum, Kaibo Duan, Ze Ming Lim, Leonard Tan, Ivy Low, Kagistia Hana Utami, Xin Yi Yeo, Sylvaine Di Tommaso, Jean-William Dupuy, Balazs Varga, Ragnhildur Thora Karadottir, Mufeeda Changaramvally,Madathummal, Isabelle Bonne, Benoit Malleret, Zainab Yasin Binte, Ngan Wei Da, Yingrou Tan, Wei Jie Wong, Jinqiu Zhang, Jinmiao Chen, Radoslaw M.Sobota, Shanshan W. Howland, Lai Guan Ng, Frédéric Saltel, David Castel, Jacques Grill, Jerry K.Y. Chan, Morgane Sonia Thion, Jung Sangyong, Markus R. Wenk, Mahmoud A. Pouladi, Claudia Pasqualini, Veronique Angeli, Olivier NF Cexus and Florent Ginhoux.

Biomechanical control of lymphatic vessel physiology and functions. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2023 Sep;20(9):1051-1062. doi:10.1038/s41423-023-01042-9

Veronique Angeli and Hwee Ying Lim.

Efficient aortic lymphatic drainage is necessary for atherosclerosis ezetimibe-induced regression. 2020. Sci Adv. Dec 11;6(50):eabc2697. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc2697. Print 2020 Dec.

Yeo Kim Pin, Thiam Chung Hwee, Tang Ya, See Wei Qiang, Koh Xuan Han, Phua Meow Ling, Balachander Akhila, Lim Hwee Ying, Azhar Syaza Hazwany, Tan Qi Hui, Lim Sheau Yng, Tan Yingrou, Chew Hui Shang, Ng Lai Guan, and Veronique Angeli.

Hyaluronan Receptor LYVE-1-Expressing Macrophages Maintain Arterial Tone through Hyaluronan-Mediated Regulation of Smooth Muscle Cell Collagen. Immunity. 2018 Aug 21;49(2):326-341.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.06.008. Epub 2018 Jul 24

Lim HY, Lim SY, Tan CK, Thiam CH, Goh CC, Carbajo D, Chew SHS, See P, Chakarov S, Wang XN, Lim LH, Johnson LA, Lum J, Fong CY, Bongso A, Biswas A, Goh C, Evrard M, Yeo KP, Basu R, Wang JK, Tan Y, Jain R, Tikoo S, Choong C, Weninger W, Poidinger M, Stanley RE, Collin M, Tan NS, Ng LG, Jackson DG, Ginhoux F, Angeli V.

Neutrophils contribute to inflammatory lymphangiogenesis by increasing VEGF-A bioavailability and secreting VEGF-D. Blood. 2013 Nov 21;122(22):3666-77.

Tan KW, Chong SZ, Wong FH, Evrard M, Tan SM, Keeble J, Kemeny MD, Ng LG, Abastado JP, Angeli V.

Lymphatic vessels are essential for the removal of cholesterol from peripheral tissues by SR-BI-mediated transport of HDL. Cell metabolism. 2013 May; 17(5):671-684

Hwee Ying Lim, Chung Hwee Thiam, Kim Pin Yeo, Radjesh Bisoendial, Chung Shii Hii, Kristine CY McGrath, Kar Wai Tan, Alison Heather, J. Steven Alexander, Veronique Angeli .

Hypercholesterolemic mice exhibit lymphatic vessel dysfunction and degeneration. Am. J. Pathol. 2009 Sept; 175(3):1328-37

Hwee Ying Lim, Joseph M. Rutkowski, Julie Helft, Sai T. Reddy, Melody A. Swartz, Gwendalyn J. Randolph and Véronique Angeli.

Exploiting lymphatic transport and complement activation in nanoparticle vaccines. Nature Biotechnol 2007; 25: 1159-64.Exploiting lymphatic transport and complement activation in nanoparticle vaccines. Nature Biotechnol 2007; 25: 1159-64.

Reddy ST, van der Vlies AJ, Simeoni E, Angeli V, Randolph GJ, Swartz MA, Hubbell JA.

B cell driven lymphangiogenesis in inflamed lymph nodes enhances dendritic cell mobilization. Immunity 2006; 24: 203-215.

Angeli V, Ginhoux F, Llòdra J, Quemeneur L, Frenette PS, Skobe M, Jessberger R, Merad M, Randolph GJ.

Dendritic cell trafficking to lymph nodes through lymphatic vessels. Nature Reviews in Immunology 2005; 5: 617-628.

Randolph GJ, Angeli V, Swartz MA.

Role of the parasite derived-PGD2 in the inhibition of epidermal Langerhans cell migration during schistosomiasis infection. J Exp Med 2001; 193: 1135-1148

Angeli V, Faveeuw C, Roy O, Fontaine J, Capron A, Wolowczuk I, Capron M, Trottein F.