About Wong Hock Boon Society

The Wong Hock Boon Society (WHBS) is an undergraduate student research society which was set up within the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in November 2010. This Society was named in memory of the late Emeritus Professor Wong Hock Boon, who was also known as the Father of Paediatrics in Singapore. He was a remarkable paediatrician and Head of the Department of Paediatrics from 1962 until his retirement in 1988 and made landmark contributions in several areas in improving the health of children in Singapore and worldwide. He was also an outstanding research mentor to medical students, junior doctors and paediatricians, and is a fitting inspiration for the Society.

The Society supports and facilitates passionate medical students in their journey through research, innovation and enterprise withour range of programmes and activities. We believe that many of the biggest challenges in healthcare and medicine tomorrow will be solved by the curious, innovative student-researchers of today.

Wong Hock Boon Society Members and other NUS medical students are invited to access our resources and to obtain more information.

Throughout the year, WHBS organises a regular series of talks and workshops for students.
Focusing on two key areas – skills development and nurturing interest, these events provide a foundational platform for students to approach the issues and challenges they face in their work, as well as to grow their passion for research work or a future career in research. Additionally, there are also introductory talks for juniors by seniors on participation in research, which tap on the strong collegiate spirit present in NUS Medicine.


To be a leading, recognised, student-led research society supporting medical students’ involvement in research and innovation viaa range of programmes and activities.


To foster a community of competent, highly-motivated, innovative and outstanding student researchers in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.


The aims of the Society are to:

  • Attract, nurture and sustain early interest in research and innovation amongst medical undergraduate students.
  • Encourage, recognise and support medical students undertaking research projects.
  • Enable students to develop key research skills and understandings, with the view of developing clinician-scientists and clinical-investigators for the future.
  • Fully support members in producing high-quality, practice-affecting research.
  • Collaborate with the Dean’s Office, Research Division of NUS Medicine, the Research Directorate of the Medical Society, and all other relevant medical institutions in achieving the above aims.

Value Statement

We shall be a Society that is:

  • Inclusive and open for student participation or collaboration.
  • Proactive in promoting student research, innovation and enterprise.
  • Resourceful in maximising all available avenues of support for the betterment of members.

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