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Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre (DMOC)

The Diagnostic Molecular Oncology Centre (DMOC) is an NUH laboratory accredited by the College of American Pathologists and focused on the molecular diagnostics of Solid Tumors, including the molecular analysis of samples diagnosed by surgical pathologists and cytopathologists in the traditional way. It is at the core of personalized oncology or therapeutic pathology. It also supports translational research with PIs based in NUHS and NUS by providing core services for nucleic acid extraction from archival pathology samples and participates in the validation of novel biomarkers in solid tumours within its accredited premises.

DMOC started its operation in late 2007 and, since then, has become a key laboratory for oncology molecular testing in Asia with a current volume of more than 1800 samples per year. DMOC receives a large portion of its work from private and other restructured hospitals within Singapore and a small number from overseas institutions. It is currently the reference laboratory for several pharmaceutical companies for the provision of high-quality companion diagnostic molecular testing in the area of personalized oncology. It also provides diagnostic tests for lymphomas and soft tissue tumours.

DMOC is specialized in tissue-based molecular diagnosis and, in particular, in the interface between tissue morphology, in-situ hybridization techniques and sequencing/PCR-based technologies, providing a 1-stop laboratory for integrated pathology tissue diagnosis.

As the development of new tests is constant in our setting, we welcome enquiries about tests that are not included in our request form at this time.

A short guide on sample submission, tissue requirements, turnaround time and costing, among others, can be requested from DMOC as well.