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Undergraduates Programmes


Pathology is the study of disease. It is the bridging medical science, building upon the foundations of the basic medical sciences and leading to clinical medicine. The Department of Pathology is actively involved in the teaching of the subject to Medical, Pharmacy and Dentistry undergraduates.


Phase II: The undergraduate teaching in general and systemic pathology is completed in the 2nd year of the medical course (Phase II). This is carried out by means of lectures, tutorials and practical classes. Pathology is a major part of the MD-2140 'Abnormal Structure and Function' module whereby the teaching sequence is integrated with the other Phase II disciplines of Pharmacology, Microbiology, Immunology, Medicine and Society, Genetics, Radiology, Ethics, Neuroscience, Ageing with clinical correlations.

Phase IV: Here, teaching is continued in the form of combined-teaching sessions and the Pathology Posting. The former is composed of (i) Forensic Medicine lectures on key issues in medico-legal medicine; (ii) Gyanecological-Pathology lectures, tutorials and practicals, tying in with the Obstetrics and Gynaecology posting in the Phase.

The Pathology Posting is of 2-weeks duration in which basic concepts of pathology and laboratory medicine are revised from a more clinical point of view. More applied aspects of Pathology are dealt with and the role of Cytopathology in clinical practice is introduced. There are also sessions on Haematology, Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Pathology.

Four days of the 2-week posting is spent at the Health Sciences Authority Forensic Medicine Division, during which the students acquire exposure to autopsy practice and legal aspects of Medicine. Forensic tutorials and a visit to the Subordinate Courts are arranged.


Pathology-for-Pharmacy module (PX-3108) is conducted as a 3-month essential module in the 3rd year of the Pharmacy programme at the NUS. The module concentrates mainly on the Principles of Pathology with selected topics on heart disease, kidney disease, jaundice, cancer and metabolic diseases. It seeks to provide the pathological underpinnings for a future career in pharmaceuticals and therapeutics.


General and Systemic Pathology is also taught to the 2nd year Dentistry undergraduates. The module is delivered as a series of lectures and practicals-cum-tutorials. The scope covers the breath of general and systemic pathology and will provide the foundations of understanding the clinical sciences and to build a career in Dentistry.