Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Safety & Health

Safety starts with *STARR*

Our guiding ‘STARR’ principles are:


Safety & Health

Ensuring Safety & Health is a top priority. We will manage Occupational S & H by conducting Risk Assessments in a team by leveraging on the skills set and expertise of each member. We will identify potential hazards, assess risks and manage those risks with the appropriate Operational Controls. We will safeguard all our stakeholders by implementing a S & H Management System to minimize injuries and ill health.



We encourage all staff and students to attend safety training and courses. New staff and students will undergo safety induction training by more experienced personnel who will pass on the concepts of safety in operational practices in our workplace.



We provide information about safety, health & security issues to all our stakeholders and share best practices on a regular basis.



Every staff & student in the department shall comply with NUS Safety, Health and Security Policies and Standards.



Continuously review our S & H Management Systems through the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle to identify gaps and ensure continual improvement in order to meet or exceed best safe & secure practices.


  • The Department Safety & Health Committee has the mandate to highlight unsafe practices and encourage and educate staff and students to adopt better work procedures.
  • The Department will ensure areas under its management have adequate resources and funding for its Safety Management System.


Department Safety & Health Policy 2020 revision (0.13MB PDF file)