Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Annual Postgraduate Course in Orthopaedics

The 45th FRCS Orthopaedic Postgraduate Course 

(incorporating the FRCS (Orth) Preparatory Course)

19 - 23 February 2024

45th Postgraduate Course Preliminary Announcement & Registration   (1.5MB PDF)

Postgraduate Course

The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery provides training for doctors in basic and advanced surgical training as well as for regional and international fellows who are trained orthopaedic surgeons seeking increased exposure to advanced orthopaedic techniques. The Annual Postgraduate Course in Orthopaedics prepares candidates for their postgraduate examinations and has been running for the past 40 years.

In addition, the Department conducts numerous training courses on advanced surgical techniques each year for local surgeons as well as surgeons from the Asia Pacific region.


For inquiries:

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
National University of Singapore,
National University Health System
NUHS Tower Block
1E, Kent Ridge Road (Level 11)
Singapore 119228


Contact Persons: Ms Sarojeni
Tel: (65) 6772 4342



School of Medicine's Medical Graduate Programme
For other School of Medicine's Postgraduate course please visit the School of Medicine's website.
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