Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Motion Analysis Lab

Orthopaedic Diagnostic Centre
Level 3, National Univerisity Hospital
5 Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119074

Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Toh Wei Seong

For Enquiries, please contact:
Lab Manager: Ms Grace Lee (


Motion Analysis Lab

Motion Analysis service was first started in 1983:

It is equipped with:

  • Optical Motion Capture System
  • Force Plates  
  • Wireless EMG Sensors

Besides supporting research projects, the Motion Analysis Lab also provide clinical gait analysis on patients with clinical referrals. From these clinical referrals, Pre and Post operative evaluation may be performed for those with:

  • Neuromuscular disorders affecting walking;
  • Lower and upper limb joint abnormalities or pathology;
  • Sport related injuries;
  • Prosthetic and orthotic fittings


3D data acquisition workspace of full body (top) analysis with EMG and ground reaction force data (bottom).
3D data acquisition for lower limb analysis with synchronized video.


Multimedia Report Display of one completed capture session.