Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Cell Culture Lab

MD11, Lab B1-05
Clinical Research Centre
National University of Singapore,
10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597.

Principal Investigator: Assoc. Prof. Toh Wei Seong

For Enquiries, please contact:
Lab I/C: Ms Chong Sue Wee (


Cell Culture Lab

The Cell Culture facilities provide various resources for the isolation and culture of animal and human cells. Previous studies have successfully isolated and cultured cells from various musculoskeletal tissues, including bone marrow, periosteum, adipose tissue, tendon and cartilage. The cultured cells are used for upstream research work (molecular and genetic studies) or downstream studies such as in-vivo studies using animals and clinical trials.

The Cell Culture Lab is equipped with:

  • Biological Safety Cabinet (Type II)
  • Incubator for mammalian cell culture
  • Microscope for viewing cell cultures
  • Centrifuge (refridgerated)
  • Freezers (-20 deg C and - 80 deg C)
  • Fume Cupboard
  • Cryogenic tank
  • Autoclave


Cell Culture

Cells isolated from Bone Marrow
Cell Cultured in CO2 Incubator


Primary Culture of Bone Marrow
Cell-seeded PCL, BCECF-AM & PI Staining


Cells Stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin
Multileanage potential of MSCs