Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Advanced Spine Deformity Course

This course aims to update practising spine surgeon on common spinal paediatric and adult degenerative spinal deformity pathology. This course is designed in a tutorial format. This include short serial lectures on specific topic update and case discussion with the participants and distinguished faculty. The participant would expect at the end of the course to consolidate their principle on treatment of variety of spinal deformity condition. The participant will anchor the practice to the course for future discussion.

Advanced Spine Deformity Course - Part 1: Adolescent

Date / Time 9 October , Tuesday, 1:00 - 5:00 pm
Venue NUHS Tower Block T06-03
Speaker Prof. Wong Hee Kit, Prof. Qiu Yong, Assoc. Prof. Joseph Thambiah, Asst. Prof. Gabriel Liu, Dr. Wong Chung Chek & Dr. Lau Leok Lin
Moderator Dr. Gabriel Liu

Registration Fee:
SGD $50


Advanced Spine Deformity Course - Part 2: Adult

Date / Time 10 October, Wednesday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue NUHS Tower Block T06-03
Speaker Prof. Wong Hee Kit, Prof. Qiu Yong, Assoc. Prof. Joseph Thambiah, Asst. Prof. Gabriel Liu, Dr. Wong Chung Chek & Dr. Lau Leok Lin
Moderator Dr. Gabriel Liu

Registration Fee:
SGD $50



Advanced Spine Deformity Tutorial Programme & Registration (PDF 623KB)

This course aims to update practising spine surgeon on common spinal paediatric and adult degenerative spinal deformity pathology. This course is designed in a tutorial format. This include short serial lectures on specific topic update and case discussion with the participants and distinguished faculty. The participant would expect at the end of the course to consolidate their principle on treatment of variety of spinal deformity condition. The participant will anchor the practise to the course for future discussion.