Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

Cavaderic Acetabular Reconstruction Workshop

Date / Time 10 October , Wednesday, 1:00 - 5:30 pm
Venue Advanced Surgery Training Centre,
National University Hospital,
Speaker Prof. Franklin Sim
Moderator A/Prof. Saminathan Suresh Nathan

Registration Fee:
SGD $120 for Residents & Fellows
SGD $200 for Certified Specialists


Cadaveric Acetabular Reconstruction Workshop Preliminary Programme (PDF 909KB)

Acetabular reconstructions generally fall under 2 categories of reconstructions of defects surrounding tumour excisions and defects surrounding revisions. Unlike primary hip replacements which are generally done for degenerative disease and pose specifically different challenges of precision and reproducibility, hip replacements in the aforementioned conditions are characterized by similar issues of bone loss, cup stability and soft tissue integrity. Developing alongside these considerations, concepts of reconstruction ranging from novel acetabular shell materials, larger heads and the materials that allow for size, constrained cups, anti-protrusio cages and augment materials have become available. Nevertheless allograft bone use together with plates, screws and meshes are useful adjuncts. With the generally uncommon utilization of these approaches and the reduced need for them due to better training and better hip designs, the experience in use of these initiatives has become lacking. Rounding off these considerations is the risk of visceral and, in particular, vascular injury that can result from acetabular reconstructions in such settings.

To address these issues in a comprehensive manner we have assembled a stellar cast of international faculty comprising tumour, joint replacement and vascular surgeons. This unique blend will be complemented by a novel approach to teaching whereupon 2 panels of discussants will make recommendations to a demonstrating team to deal with the presented defect on a cadaver. Participants may then gauge their level of confidence in tackling specific challenges. A round up of experiences will be presented at the end of the day. We have reserved places for residents to be part of the discussion. They will be required to register for the course program. The course however is open to all and will run over half a day. CME points will be awarded for attendance.