Developing technology-enhanced secondary prevention delivery platforms to revolutionize cardiovascular disease management.
Substantial investments and advancements in high-technology diagnostic and medical interventions have increased initial survival rates, giving rise to the ‘chronic disease epidemic.’
With populations living longer, cost-effective solutions that manage chronic illness and conditions long-term are needed if the strain on already burdened healthcare systems are to be reduced. Taking a multi-pronged approach, this research programme aims to tackle challenges in chronic illness and long-term care management by focusing on conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, mental health and terminal illness. Specifically, by empowering both patients and their caregivers with self-management techniques, it aims to develop novel technology-enabled nursing interventions that can strengthen self-efficacy, enhance quality of life as well as promote healthy living and ageing.
Chair: Prof Wenru WANG
Core Members: Dr Darryl ANG, Dr Jocelyn CHEW, Dr Catherine DONG, Prof Hong-Gu HE, Dr Ying JIANG, Dr Shawn GOH, Dr Wilson TAM, Dr Piyanee (Klainin) YOBAS
Associated Members: Ms Joyce LIM, Dr Siriwan LIM, Ms Laura Tham SCHMIDT
Developing technology-enhanced secondary prevention delivery platforms to revolutionize cardiovascular disease management.
Dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health and building resilience through targeted efforts and initiatives.
Identifying the biobehavioral links behind metabolic disorders to advance culturally sensitive nursing interventions and practice.
Ensuring that approaches in terminal illnesses are evidenced-based and sensitive to patients’ and families’ needs.