The main goal of Community Involvement Projects is to allow NUS Nursing students to serve the beneficiaries in our local society and in other countries. We do this through Local Community Involvement Projects (LCIPs) and Overseas Community Involvement Projects (OCIPs) respectively.
Through these two programmes, our students gain knowledge about community issues and the community’s needs. They are encouraged to think creatively and come up with proposals on how they can make a positive impact in the lives of others. Ultimately, the programmes provide the students with an opportunity to experience the joy of volunteering, sacrificial service to the community, and putting into practice what our students have learned in the labs and classrooms.
Personally, I believe that Project Caring Hearts has impacted me greatly. First and foremost, it is a good platform for allowing me to create change in my own capacity. I appreciate the interactions I’ve had on my home visits and in learning about the patients I serve and the unique stories they tell. I also appreciate the team’s efforts in equipping me with the necessary skill sets and the opportunities for me to try new things.
Beyond the project, I think I have gained a deeper exposure to this scene I knew little about before and find myself more confident in speaking about end-of-life matters. Would highly recommend those interested to sign up to gain the same experience as I have!
–Yeow Yuheng
I had a fulfilling time working with the committee to plan and execute the programmes, which ultimately led me to continue my journey with Barrios this AY 2022/2023 as Vice President. My first experience of leading a logistics team without prior experience was challenging, but the team was supportive and frequently checked in with me. We would meet bi-weekly via Zoom to update our progress with each other. I cherish this time in my university life to this day as it was truly my best time. The moment I enjoyed the most was when we had to collect sponsored items and we did not anticipate that there would be 3,000 worth of items. That meant 10 heavy cartons to carry! And then there were 3 more sponsor venues to visit. Thus, we decided to rent a vehicle to transport the items. We moved everything into that poor quality rented vehicle in the midst of a torrential downpour. It was only through the grace of God that we were able to move our logistics to school intact. As a result of the team spirit and determination and the refusal to complain that we were able to successfully complete all 3 missions. It was truly wonderful to see the smiles of migrant workers, children, and the elderly.
-Yong Jie Ning Nicole, Head of Logistics 2021/2022