Dr Ronel TAN Xian Rong

Dr Ronel TAN Xian Rong


Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (NUS Nursing),
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore.

Teaching Areas

  • Medical and surgical nursing practice
  • Advanced nursing science and theory
  • Interprofessional collaboration and communication in healthcare

Dr Ronel is a lecturer at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (NUS Nursing), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. He is an experienced clinician with over a decade of experience as a Registered Nurse, since 2011. As a clinician, Dr Ronel specialises in Critical Care Nursing and has vast clinical experience in both medical and surgical high- dependency/ intensive care units.

As a researcher, Dr Ronel is passionate in translational healthcare and education research. He has obtained his doctorate from NUS Nursing, where he developed and pilot-tested a psychoeducation self-management programme for community-dwelling adults with depression in Singapore. He has presented his research work at both local and international conferences.

As an educator, Dr Ronel strives to impart advanced nursing science and practice to the future generation of Registered Nurses. His vast clinical background enabled him to bridge the theory-to-practice gap, preparing nursing and healthcare students for the complexities of modern healthcare. A firm believer that every nurse is a Leader, Advocate, and Change-maker, Dr Ronel is dedicated to advancing the nursing profession both in Singapore and globally. Through his work as a Clinician, Educator, and Researcher, he continues to champion the critical role of nurses in today’s evolving healthcare landscape.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, National University of Singapore
  • American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) Transition in Practice Certificate
  • Specialist Certificate in Critical Care Nursing, National University Hospital, Singapore
  • Bachelor of Science (Nursing) (Honours), National University of Singapore
  • Diploma in Health Sciences (Nursing), Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Research Interests

  • Community health and mental well-being
  • Advancing nursing and healthcare education through innovative pedagogies
  • Representation and resilience of the nursing profession
  • Empowerment and professional development of the nursing profession

Publications DOI Impact Factor
Tan, R. X. R., & Goh, Y. S. (2023). Perceptions of community mental health services among culturally diverse adult Singaporeans with major depressive disorder: A descriptive qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 33(1), 143-158. https://doi.org/10.1111/inm.13228 5.6
Tan, R. X. R., & Goh, Y. S. (2022). Community mental health interventions for people with major depressive disorder: a scoping review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(6), 1315-1359. https://doi.org/10.1111/inm.13029 5.1
Awards and Honors Year
Covid-19 Resilience Medal, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore 2023
5th Singhealth Nursing and APN Conference 2023 Shortlisted Poster 2023
Lee Foundation Nursing Research Scholarship, National University of Singapore 2020
Nursing Research Medal (Silver medalist for Honours Thesis in Nursing), National University of Singapore 2016
National University Health System Nursing (Undergraduate) Scholarship 2013