Ms ENG Sze Li, Erica

Ms ENG Sze Li, Erica


Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (NUS Nursing),
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore.

Teaching Areas

  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Clinical Nursing

Erica is a lecturer at the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. She has worked as a nurse in different disciplines both locally and overseas. Upon returning from Australia, Erica joined the hospital as a Clinical Instructor, which exposed her to a different profile of students. During the years as Clinical Instructor, she was involved in teaching, simulation and setting an e-learning platform (video-recording) for nurses. She also had the opportunity to assist in writing the curriculum for a programme (Practical Approach to Wound Management) that started in the hospital. During the course of her work, Erica participated as co-investigator in a year-long research project, looking at medication administrative errors with the electronic closed-looped system. The research was presented in a symposium organised by the hospital in 2016.


  • Master in Clinical Education, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Bachelor in Health Science (Nursing), University of Sydney (SIM), Singapore
  • Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Medical/Surgical), Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore
  • BCLS/AED Instructor Course, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore
  • Certificate in Clinical Instructor Course, National Health Group College, Singapore
  • Graduate Certificate in Acute Nursing (Orthopaedic), New South Wales College of Nursing, Australia
  • Registered Nurse, Singapore Nursing Board, Singapore
  • Diploma in Health Science (Nursing), Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore

Research Interests

  • Clinical Education
  • Simulation

Awards and Honours Year
Best Clinical Instructor by Student Nurses, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital 2016
Star Award, National University Hospital 2001