Ms CHAN Yah Shih @ Erean Chen

Ms CHAN Yah Shih @ Erean Chen

Senior Lecturer
CET Year 2 Programme Director

Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (NUS Nursing),
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore.

Teaching Areas

  • Pathophysiology, clinical health assessment, principles of nursing care and management of individuals on following body systems:
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Integumentary
    • Musculoskeletal
    • Renal
    • Female reproduction
  • Maternal and infant
  • Professional Practice I & II
  • Leadership and Management
  • Healthcare Policy

    Ms Chan is a registered nurse and qualified staff midwife. Her past working experience in the clinical settings include medical‐surgical nursing, midwifery and management of the Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics units as the Assistant Director of Nursing at the National University Hospital. She is instrumental in advocating for professional and academic advancement of the nurses. Following that, she took on the role of a Senior Lecturer, Course Coordinator and Clinical Manager at Nanyang Polytechnic. She was engaged in developing nursing students and Registered Nurses in the Diploma in Nursing and Advanced Diploma in Nursing – Midwifery courses respectively.

    As a strong advocate for personal growth and professional development, Ms Chan continues to embark on her career goal as an educator at the National University of Singapore. She integrates a variety of teaching pedagogies and approach such as team-based learning and peer feedback in the nursing laboratory sessions to encourage and develop self-regulated learners. Additionally, Ms Chan has introduced Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) to better engage and facilitate students’ learning in a course with broad-based content.

    Ms Chan’s teaching philosophy is developed and guided by the following learning concept and model:

    • Constructive alignment (Biggs, J., 2012) – planning effective and meaningful learning materials for students
    • Experiential Learning Cycle (Kolb, 1984) – concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation.
    • Providing meaningful and timely feedback to students (Hattie & Timperley, 2007)

    Ms Chan has served as an executive member in the Singapore Nurses Association (SNA). She currently remains as an active member of the O&G Chapter in the Singapore Nurses’ Association (SNA). She is also affiliated with the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) since joining NUS Nursing.


    • Master of Health Science (Management), University of Sydney, Australia
    • Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) with Distinction, University of Sydney, Australia
    • Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Midwifery), Singapore
    • Diploma in Child Day Care & Child Psychology, USA
    • Professional Development Programme (Teaching), Singapore
    • Certificate – Newfield’s Coach Certification Program
    • Certificate in General Nursing, Singapore

    Research Interests

    • Web-based clinical pedagogy program
    • Peer feedback
    • Critical reflection in education
    • Clinical teaching

    Publications DOI Impact Factor
    Zhang, H., Yoong, S. Q., Dong, Y. H., Goh, S. H., Lim, S., Chan, Y. S., Wang, W., & WU, X. V. (2022). Using a 3-Phase Peer Feedback to Enhance Nursing Students’ Reflective Abilities, Clinical Competencies, Feedback Practices, and Sense of Empowerment. Nurse Educator, Publish Ahead of Print. 2.518
    Wu, X. V., Selvam, U. P., Wang, W., Ang, E. N. K., Devi, M. K., Chan, Y. S., Fong, F. C, Zhao, S., Sehgal, V., Chi, Y. (2022). A web-based clinical pedagogy program to promote professional development for nurse preceptors: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education in Practice, 59. 103288 3.43
    Rodrigues, N. G., Han, Q. Y. C., Devi, M. K., Chi, Y., Selvam, U. P., Fong, F. C, Ang, E. N. K., Chan, Y. S., Wu, X. V. (2022). Perspectives of Nurse Preceptors on a Web‐based Clinical Pedagogy Program and Clinical Teaching: A Descriptive Qualitative Study. Nursing and Health Sciences. 24(1), 214–223. 2.214
    Tilakaratna, N. L., Brooke, M., Monbec, L., Lau, S. T., Wu, V. X., Chan, Y. S. (2021). Insights Into an Interdisciplinary Project on Critical Reflection in Nursing: Using SFL and LCT to Enhance SoTL Research and Practice. In book: Research Anthology on Nursing Education and Overcoming Challenges in the Workplace. 10.4018/978-1-7998-9161-1.ch001 Book Chapter
    Monbec, L., Tilakaratna, N. L., Brooke, M., , Lau, S. T., Chan, Y. S., Wu, V. X. (2020). Designing a rubric for reflection in nursing: a Legitimation Code Theory and systemic functional linguistics-informed framework. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-16. 4.44
    Wu, X. V., Chi, Y., Selvam, U. P., Devi, M. K., Wang, W., Chan, Y. S., Wee, F. C., Zhao, S., Sehgal, V., & Ang, N. K. E. (2020). A Clinical Teaching Blended Learning Program to Enhance Registered Nurse Preceptors’ Teaching Competencies: Pretest and Posttest Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(4), e18604. 7.076
    Wu, X.V., Chi, Y., Chan, Y.S., Wang, W. Ang, E.N.K., Zhao, S., Sehgal, V., Wee, FC, Selvam, U.P., Devi M.K., (2020). A web-based clinical pedagogy program to enhance registered nurse preceptors' teaching competencies – An innovative process of development and pilot program evaluation, Nurse Education Today, 84. 104215 3.906
    Awards and Honours Year
    National University of Singapore (NUS) Teaching Excellence Award for the Academic Year 2020/2021 by National University of Singapore 2021
    National University of Singapore (NUS) Medicine Awards 2021
    Year Project Title Funding Organization
    Feb 2021 to Feb 2023 Using peer feedback to enhance nursing students' clinical competency, reflective ability and sense of empowerment. MOE2019-TRF-006 Grant, Singapore
    July 2018- Dec 2021 An interdisciplinary approach to embedding critical reflection in undergraduate nursing practice Teaching Enhancement Grant, Singapore
    Jan 2018 to Jan 2019 Web-based clinical pedagogy program to enhance nurse preceptors’ teaching competency and nursing students’ learning outcomes in clinical competency MOE TRF, Singapore