Master of Science (Nursing)




Candidates will undertake research under the supervision of staff members from NUS Nursing during their period of candidature.

At the end of their candidature, candidates to submit a thesis to be examined by a Board of Examiners as follows:

  • MSc (Nursing) programme: 40,000-word thesis

In addition, they are required to fulfil a coursework component comprising of the following to graduate either with an MSc (Nursing) or a PhD degree. Coursework courses include core research skills, as well as research development courses:

A total of 20 units comprising of three core courses + one elective course (at Level-5000)

All candidates should also complete a mandatory online Responsible Conduct in Research course within four months of their enrolment.

Candidates deemed weak in English by the School would also have to sit for the Diagnostic English Test and take additional English Language courses conducted by the Centre for English Language Communication.

Current students may visit the NUS Graduate School’s website at the Student Portal for further details.

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Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
