Non-Graduating Programme

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

Applications for graduate research attachments will come under the NUS Non-Graduating Non-Exchange Research (NGNE-R) Programme.

Students should refer to the NUS Non-graduating Programme at for more details on the following:

  • Eligibility
  • Supporting Documents
  • Fees
  • Application

If you meet the criteria and eligibility as stipulated under the NUS Non-graduating Programme, you may select a Faculty from NUS Nursing to be your host thesis advisor for the research attachment. Based on our internal criteria and your research project, NUS Nursing has the sole discretion on allocation of a suitable Faculty to be your host thesis advisor.

Please use your university email address for all correspondence on this matter.

Complete the NG Research Training Plan available at—non-graduating/NG-Training-Plan.pdf.

Email the completed NG Research Training Plan to at least six months prior to the commencement of the proposed research period for NUS Nursing’s approval with the following additional information as well as a copy of your curriculum vitae (CV) with a photograph affixed:

Full Name as in passport
Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY
Home institution:
Contact Number:
University Email:

Student will be required to attend an interview to determine his/her suitability for the research attachment in NUS Nursing.

For successful application, please request your home supervisor to submit a support letter for your research attachment with Supervisor’s contact details addressed to Head, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, NUS and email to via applicant’s university’s email address. The letter must be in English and printed on the university’s letterhead.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I would like to come as a visiting student to Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies

Graduate research students will apply for research attachment under the NUS Non-Graduating Programme for this purpose. Please refer to this link for more information

2. May I choose a preferred supervisor from Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies for the research attachment?

Yes, you may but your choice is not guaranteed.

3. I need to apply for funding for my research attachment and I must furnish the NUS letter of admission to the funding agency?

NUS is unable to provide you with a letter of admission for this purpose. You will have to apply as a fee-paying student (NGNE-R) in the meantime as you have yet to be awarded funding for your attachment. Please upload a documentary proof of financial support in English certifying financial ability to make payment for the Miscellaneous Student Fees (MSFs) and research fee for the intended study period. The bank statement should also be the latest original, certified true copy or electronically generated statements. In the event if you have been successfully awarded funding, you will be required to submit the official funding award letter to NUS for reference. If you do not receive the funding award and wishes to withdraw from the programme, you should also inform NUS on your decision to withdraw.

Contact Us

Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies