Virtual Open House: A Day in the Life of an NUS Nursing Student

06 March 2025
5.00pm – 6.00pm
NUS Nursing Instagram
(@nus_nursing) (
Lock in, chat—we’re going live on Instagram for our Virtual Open House 2025. Tune in from your phones to get a unique glimpse into the life of the NUS Nursing student: a virtual tour of our cutting-edge simulation labs, and a chat with our student hosts on what campus and residence life is like. Meet our Students:
  • Wong Yong Xiang, Irwin, Year 2, Nursing House captain (Benner) and varsity athlete representing NUS Cheerleading team (AlphaVerve)
  • Tan Jing En Yuki, Year 2, Sub-club exco member serving as Treasurer
  • Aidil Bin Faizal, Year 2, OCIP Programme Head under Project Kura
  • Lian Mei Qi, Year 2, RC CAPT member involved in dance and band performances
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