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Remembering Captain (CPT) Tay Xue Qin Kenneth fondly

20 May 2024

NUS Nursing is deeply saddened by the death of our NUS nursing alumnus, CPT Tay Xue Qin Kenneth from SCDF, who passed away in the line of duty on 16 May 2024. 


Kenneth was with NUS Nursing from 2014 to 2017.  A responsible and dedicated student, Kenneth participated actively in classes, and helped the faculty to create learning videos which would benefit his juniors. Kenneth also took part in the organisation of various school activities, such as NUS Nursing Freshmen Orientation Camp, and he was also in active in sports activities, such as Kyokushin karate and mountain climbing.


Despite his hectic school life, Kenneth contributed to the community in many ways. He conducted health screening for residents in the neighbourhood health screening project and led a group of secondary school students to provide free basic health check-ups for discharged elderly patients in the Trigenerational project. Kenneth also visited the Assisi hospice to provide accompaniment for the patients.

Rest in peace, CPT Kenneth Tay. Your dedication and courage will shine as beacons of strength and inspiration for the nursing community and beyond.