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  • Assistant Professor Vivien Wu Xi to be presented with Sigma 2022 Emerging Nurse Researcher/Scholar Award

Assistant Professor Vivien Wu Xi to be presented with Sigma 2022 Emerging Nurse Researcher/Scholar Award

Nurse researcher has been recognised with several international awards for her research work on ageing.

Asst Prof Wu is a nurse researcher whose research is focused on neurology and geriatric care.

Assistant Professor Vivien Wu Xi from the National University of Singapore’s Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (NUS Nursing), has been selected to receive the 2022 Emerging Nurse Researcher/Scholar Award at the Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing (Sigma)’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress in July.

A total of five awardees will be receiving the award and they represent five of Sigma’s global regions – Asia, Europe, Latin and South America/Caribbean, North America, and Oceania. Asst Prof Wu is representing Asia.

Since 2015, the Emerging Nurse Researcher/Scholar Award has recognised early career nurse researchers and scholars whose research or scholarship has influenced the nursing profession and the people it serves.

“I am honoured to be selected as the prestigious Sigma Nurse Researcher/Scholar for the Asia region. I am glad to be able to make an impact on the global platform through my research,” said Asst Prof Wu.

Asst Prof Wu’s research interests focus on four major areas: chronic disease management for older adults and caregivers, promotion of healthy ageing in the community through intergenerational programmes, professional development of the healthcare workforce, and nursing education.

“I am confident that my research work will continue to promote the physical, cognitive, mental and psycho-social wellbeing of the older adults, and professional development for nurses. Currently, I lead a research team consisting of Research Fellow, Research Assistants and post-graduate students. I am grateful that I can make a positive influence on my team, and nurture junior researchers,” said Asst Prof Wu.

Asst Prof Wu will be attending the Congress at Edinburgh, Scotland in July.