In memory of Mr Yong Pung How

Published: 09 Jan 2020

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We are deeply saddened by the loss of a well-respected figure in Singapore’s former judge and Chief Justice Mr Yong Pung How and extend our heartfelt condolences to the family. Mr Yong will be remembered for his wisdom, unassuming nature and generosity of heart, manifested in his myriad contributions to the community.

As the Chair of the Yong Loo Lin Trust, he was instrumental in endowing the then NUS Faculty of Medicine with a transformational gift of $100 million in 2005, in celebration of the University’s centennial in the same year. This was the largest single gift to a tertiary institution in Singapore by a private donor. The Faculty of Medicine was named the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore in honour of this gift.

His legacy lives on, in the School’s continuing progress and success in our twin missions of educating tomorrow’s doctors and nurses and finding solutions to the healthcare challenges of our time.

Read NUS’s tribute to the late Mr Yong Pung How here.