Master of Public Health

The Master of Public Health (MPH) programme is offered by the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS.

The MPH Intercalated Year Programme will equip NUS undergraduate medical students with public health skills that are important in clinical practice, including critical appraisal of medical research, as well as prevention and control of diseases with national public health significance. This positions graduates as future healthcare professionals with the ability to solve issues at population and systems level, thereby contributing to the national healthcare agenda at large.

More information on the MPH programme can be found here.

Award of the Degrees

  • Students must satisfy all the graduation requirements of the NUS MBBS and the graduation requirements of the MPH programme.
  • Upon the completion of the IYP and their MBBS studies, students will receive two-degree scrolls, one for the MBBS, and the other for the MPH programme upon fulfilling the requirements of both degree programmes.
  • The conferment of the MPH degree is conditional upon the student’s completion of the MBBS programme.
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